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Papers On Human Resource Issues
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Fred Fiedler�s Comprehensive Contingency Model: Applications in Sports, Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Everyday Life
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A 7 page discussion of Fiedler�s contingency model of leadership, a model which postulates that leadership effectiveness is based on �situational contingency�, i.e. that in order to be most effective the situation had to be favorable to the leadership style being utilized. The author contests some writers� interpretation that Fiedler is contending that the leader himself cannot change. This criticism is unjust in may respects. Fiedler�s model recognizes, of course, that not all situations will be favorable and either the situation or the leadership style must be changed in order to correspond with one another. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPleader.rtf

Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, Max Weber
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This 2.5 page paper discusses the ideas of these three classical management theorists. The focus is on what each one said about power and authority. As this paper demonstrates, there are many similarities between and among the three theorists. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGfytwb.rtf

Future Of Management � Trends
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A 5 page paper. Numerous factors have and will continue to change the practice of management. Advancing technology, changing demographics including an aging workforce and vast diversity in the workforce, and globalization are just a few of the challenges facing managers today. These factors will continue to change the way in which managers manage. This paper discusses some of the forecasts for how management will change in the future, including a different perspective on the four major functions of management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGftmgtr.rtf

Gays At Work: A Sociological Perspective
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The homosexual in the workplace is found to be in a position where they are discriminated against as well as finding themselves in a state of fear. This 11 page paper argues that Georg Simmel's theory of dyad to triad interactions is applicable within the microcosm of the office culture, while Emile Durkheim's theory on the division of labor helps to understand why instances of discrimination and hate exist. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KTgaywkf.wps

Gender Bias and Hiring Practices
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This 5 page paper supports the position that female interviewers are more likely to hire males than females. Several studies are noted. Gender bias and reverse stereotyping are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA020Gen.wps

Gender Differences In Planning For & Dealing With Retirement
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While this 6 page paper explores retirement issues, the focus is on gender differences. Primarily a literature review, this look at the issue of retirement is extensive and explores such factors as retirement anxiety, proper planning and gender differences in the working world in general. Bibliography lists 6 sources
Filename: Mentbeh.wps

Gender Issues at Work
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An 8 page paper discussing social changes that have facilitated business changes in terms of gender. It has been more than a generation since women's abilities have continued to separate from gender issues. Disparities still exist, but in far fewer number and severity than was the case in the mid-1960s. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSgenderWk.wps

Gender Prejudice In The Workplace
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6 pages in length. Gender discrimination in the workplace is an industry ill that has run rampant over the past couple of decades. Only within this time frame has society come to realize that there is no place for gender prejudice when both men and women are working hard toward the same goals. In some cases, women have demonstrated considerable more dedication to the job than men, who are often categorized as being lazy and ineffective. Indeed, there is room for both genders within the workplace, but it is establishing an element of respect, as well as a recognition of duty, toward one another that will ultimately eliminate gender prejudice in the workplace. The writer discusses how experts are working hard to organize industrywide cooperation in fighting the undercurrent of workplace gender prejudice in the next two decades. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCgendr.rtf

Gender Sensitivity Training In The Workplace
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A 10 page paper discussing the importance of gender sensitivity training in the workplace and how it can increase a company's success and lower operating costs. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Gendsens.doc

Gender Stratification in the Canadian Workplace
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A 12 page discussion of the differing social expectations in Canada which result in an unequal representation of women in the professional workplace. Notes that Canada would prefer to import trained professionals rather than take advantage of Canadian women who are interested in entering the professional workplace. Contrasts this difference with the much more progressive workplace atmosphere of Japan and suggests that the cause of these discrepancies lies both in history and in the contemporary Canadian home. Suggests that girls who are provided positive professional female role models will be more eager to pursue professional occupations. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PPcndGnd.wps

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