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Papers On Mythology
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Physics & Religion
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A 5 page overview of the science of physics and its relation to religion. Addresses the question of whether or not physics is 'real' and its limitations. Emphasizes the works of Pythagoras who weaves an interesting blend of religion and the sciences. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Physrel.wps
Politics Of The Nation-State & The Indigenous People Of Australia
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An 11 page paper that considers the extent to which the book From Time Immemorial: Indigenous Peoples and State Systems by R. Perry addresses the relationship between the nation-state and the aboriginal communities of Australia, and provides specific examples to round out Perry's limited perspective. Bibliography lists 6 sources. Austin~1.wps
Filename: Austin~1.wps
Poverty Theories & The Church / Economic Justice For All ?
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A 4 page look at how the Church has criticized the government for putting politics before the welfare of children and their families. The involvement of specific religious leaders, the role of charity & justice, and the importance of taking a stronger stance on social reform are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Povebibl.wps
Privileges of Jews in Ancient Rome
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This 9 page report discusses the special privileges and immunities offered to Jews through ancient Roman law. The writer discusses the atmosphere that existed in ancient Rome for the Jewish community and notes the observations of historians of the time. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Jewsrome.wps
Psychoanalytic Understanding and Myths, Folktales, and Narrative
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This 20 page report discusses the fact that modern psychoanalysis
is a multifaceted discipline that depends on classic Freudian
explanations as well as more contemporary empirical practices.
Social scientists, researchers into human psychology, writers,
and even �pop psychologists� have demonstrated an affinity for
the mythological and heroic aspects of the human psyche.
Individuals have been able to gain a better understanding of and
appreciation for their own capabilities through their association
with a particular culture, classic mythology, or spiritualism. As
it is used and referenced in the practice of psychoanalysis,
cultural myth and narrative serve to offer greater insights into
collective human thinking. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Filename: BWpsymy2.wps
Psychology & Religious Conversion
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A 25 page piece that postulates that not only are religions practicing conversions, but that the psychology profession must take a look at how that affects their business. Two case studies are provided which talk directly to the hypothesis, and an additional discussion makes the subject "real." Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Filename: Conversio.wps
Rabbi Soloveitchik's 'Halakhic Man' / Ethics and a Perspective on Time
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A 5 page research paper that examines the theological philosophy of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik as discussed in his book Halakhic Man. Soloveitchik's description of the Halakhic man shows that the past and the future leave their imprint on the ethically sensitive individual. Conversely, the ethics of the individual also influence that person's perception of time, giving him or her a broader view that transcends the meaning of the given moment. The writer argues that this philosophy can provide a firm basis for making ethical decisions and uses the persecution of the Jews during World War II as an example of a real life situation that called for ethical decisions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Perstime.wps
Rabbit Boss: A View of Ritual and the Notion of the Savage
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of the book Rabbit Boss by Thomas Sanchez and compares and contrasts the anesthetic sense of ritual with the notion of the savage and savage acts experienced by the Washo and the migrating settlers. No additional sources cited.
Filename: MHRabbit.wps
Reincarnation / Philosophical Theories & Religious Doctrines
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A 12 page research paper on the concept of reincarnation. Various terms (i.e., Metempsychosis, Transmigration, Metensomatosis, etc;) are defined and arguments both supporting and refuting the recycling of life are assessed. A number of well-document historical philosophies are evaluated in light of specific, relevant concepts found in religions like : Buddhism, Brahamanism, and more. It is largely concluded that since one cannot remember nor gain anything from their "previous" life-- the very idea can be invalidated. Bibliography lists 5+ sources.
Filename: Reincarn.wps
Religion and 'Magic'
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A 6 page paper that considers the magico-religious elements of a number of primal religions and compares them practices in Catholicism. This paper utilizes information presented by Kenneth Kuykendal and others to demonstrate the importance of magic and ritual in religion.
Filename: Magicrel.wps
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