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Papers On Mythology
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Dreaming and the Nature of Death & Beyond
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This 8 page paper discussing the nature of what dreaming reveals about death and what lies beyond death. The writer draws a great deal of information from leading Christian theological thinkers, with some reference to more modern psychological theories regarding dreams. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Theodrem.wps

Edith Hamilton/Mythology
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This 5 page paper dicusses Edith Hamilton's book, Mythology. It talks about how she presents Greek mythology, and the different stories that involve it. 1 source cited.
Filename: 90myth.rtf

Egyptian Journey to the Afterlife
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A 15 page discussion of the critical components of the ancient Egyptian's belief in an afterlife. Notes that much of our contemporary knowledge regarding ancient Egyptian culture is based on archaeological findings. Among the most interesting of these findings are those which relate to the elaborate worship rituals of the Egyptians, rituals which to a large degree were comprised of those relating to death and the afterlife. Provides an overview of Egyptian belief, preparation for the afterlife, mummification, the preparation of the body, rituals instructing the dead, the tombs, and ceremonies. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPegyDth.wps

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A 5 page paper discussing the relevancy of time and eternity in relationship to a supreme being, or God. The issues discussed are essentially based on the essay titled 'Timeless Eternity' by Brain Davies. The theories discussed address the essential quality of time which is a highly opinionated reality. If time is nothing more than an illusion then God does not exist in any form within such confines as a time frame. The theories addressed within Davies essay are all essentially confining the divine essence and the subject of eternity within human ideas which address the reality of time. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Divetern.wps

Euripides' "Medea" And Seneca's "Medea": Compare/Contrast
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5 pages in length. Both Seneca and Euripides envisioned something different when they each penned their individual version of Medea. That Euripides put forth a decidedly more humane and sensitive version illustrates how Seneca took her fundamental character and transformed it into an unsavory, vengeful sorcerer. Clearly, Seneca's Medea boasts a more defiant, anger characterization than does Euripides, asserting an obvious contempt for Medea in particular, as well as women in general. Contrarily, Euripides' Medea tells of a genuine love that is torn apart by greed and blind ambition; had it not been for Jason's impetuosity, Medea would have had no reason to utilize her magical abilities in such a vengeful fashion. The message that such vast difference says about each culture speaks to the issue of patriarchal control. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLCmdea2.wps

Evangelizing People
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A 10 page research essay discussing the definitions of evangelizing and the procedures used by some groups. Some organizations provide their evangelists with a script, some that focus on Church-based outreach programs include full programs with manuals and tapes, others offer a list of suggestions anyone can use. The general opinion is that every Christian must be an evangelist sharing the good news of Jesus. Obstacles to the process of evangelism in today's world are also offered.
Filename: Evang.wps

Evidence of Christ's Resurrection
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A 2 page paper that discusses evidence of Christ's Resurrection. A common sense approach is taken by the writer with reference to specific Books in the Bible. No bibliography.
Filename: Resev.wps

Exegesis / The Infancy Gospel Of Thomas
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An 8 page exegesis of one line from the work titled 'The Infancy Gospel of Thomas.' The line is illustrated in its simplest form, at first. This is followed by an examination of secondary sources which discuss 'The Infancy Gospel of Thomas,' both in an analysis as they relate to the line presented, as well as in an illustration of the content. This is followed by an explanation of what the line may well mean and what one of the interpretations may be. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: inGospel.wps

Feudalism, The Norman Conquest, & 11th Century English Politics
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In this 9 page paper, the writer is concerned with whether or not Feudalism imposed by the 11th century Norman Conquest truly had an impact on politics in England. Issues of ownership, social class, and much more are examined to reach the ultimate conclusion that the impact of Feudalism was a positive one indeed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Normancq.wps

Galatians 3:24
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This 2 page paper explains how the law prepared people for the coming of Christ. The purpose of the law is explained using Paul's words from this passage and the passages immediately preceding and following it. No bibliography.
Filename: Galat324.wps

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