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Papers On Mythology
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Monsters as a Reflection of Societal Issues
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A 10 page research paper that examines the field of "monster theory" for it reveals relative to medieval society. Historian Jeffrey J. Cohen proposes that "monster theory" constitutes a new modus legendi, that is, a method that consists of reading cultures based upon the monsters they engender. In other words, the ways that cultures have personified their fears is indicative of the viewpoints and imperatives of those cultures. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: 99monstr.wps

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This 10 page paper discusses mythology past and present as presented by Joseph Campbell in his books: Man With A Thousand Faces and Transformation of Myth Through Time. Also included are quotes by the author from an interview. Discussed are archetypes, comparison of Eastern/Western myths, similarities between myths of various cultures and the author's view on religion and myth. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MBmyth.rtf

Myth Of Sisyphus And Suicide
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A 3 page paper that discusses Albert Camus' thought on suicide as expressed in the Myth of Sisyphus. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PGsisyp.wps

Mythical Monsters Of The Odyssey
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5 pages in length. Ever since man began telling tales, incredible accounts of freakish, monster-like animals have captivated and horrified entire communities. The basis for these extraordinary fabrications was the inability of early writers to distinguish between truth and fantasy. As the stories were passed down through generations, they eventually became accepted as the legends known today. However, Greek mythology goes just a bit further than conventional monsters, in that examples of mythical monsters like those found in Homer's The Iliad clearly speak to a preponderance of human imperfections to which the author attributes some of literature's most memorable beasts. Tracing Odysseus' evolution and fundamental importance through Homer's The Odyssey provides the student with a significantly better understanding of mortal limitations, truth, honesty and the desire to achieve and uphold one's righteousness, which are clearly illustrated through characterization of mythical monsters. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCMythM.rtf

Mythical Origins of Rome
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A 5 page essay that examines the origins of Rome, which are represented in two famous myths � the saga of Aeneas and the story of Romulus and Remus. The writer first summarizes these two legends and then examines the purposes that they fulfilled in Roman culture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khorrome.wps

Mythology & The Mythopoetic Mind
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A 4 page paper discussing the existence of the mythopoetic mind as defined by Mircea Eliade. To Eliade, all mythology was created as a bridge from the human to the divine. Mythology, in his belief, was sacred history, and no matter what the culture, myths provided answers to the deep philosophical questions of who we are, why we are here, and what perspective, based on sociology and culture, defined existence Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Mythpt.rtf

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This 8 page paper discusses the effect of mythology on the religion of the day in ancient Egypt. Examples of how myths and stories about the various gods affected the daily rituals and customs of this civilization are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MBtut.rtf

Mythology/Explaining the Unexplainable
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A 5 page research paper that examines the functions that mythology has performed in human societies. The writer mainly focuses on Greek myths, and other creation stories in explaining how early people turned to mythology for explanations of natural phenomenon. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khunex.wps

Myths and Fairy Tales in Real Life
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This 6 page paper provides two essays, one on fairy tales and children and the other on myths in daily life. The works of Bettelheim and Campbell are discussed. The usefulness of fantasy as teachers is a primary themes throughout. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA018Fry.wps

Narrative Forms Of Myth
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An 8 page paper discussing the narrative style of myths in different cultures. There are differing views among scholars and anthropologists concerning the structure of myths. The writer explores these disparities in great detail. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Dundes.rtf

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