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Papers On Mythology
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Creation According to Hesiod and Genesis
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A nine page paper looking at the Greek creation cosmogony versus the Biblical one, as described by Hesiod in the fifth century and the Biblical book of Genesis. The paper illustrates many points of comparison and contrast, and concludes that in large measure such stories reflect the culture of the people who composed them. Bibliography lists two sources.
Filename: KBcreatn.wps

Culture of Disbelief / Book Review
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A 6 page essay summarizing and analyzing Stephen L. Carter's "Culture of Disbelief" -- a book suggesting that American legislation and jurisprudence for the last generation have been trying hard to exclude from public affairs any religious voice whatsoever. Excellent reading for those studying various constitutional issues and freedom of religion. Full citation for the book provided.
Filename: Cultureo.wps

Dark Ages Analyzed
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This 6 page research paper examines the historical period which has become known as the Dark Ages. Specifically explored is the prevalent society, including the standard of living, culture, religion and writing and language of the people. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Darkages.wps

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This 5 page paper discusses whether comparative evidence is useful in illuminating attitudes toward death in both ancient Rome and Greece. Various rituals and customs are explored, then it is shown that in these two civilization's cases, evidence must be factual and not inductive.Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MBgreekurn.rtf

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In addition to being half male and half female, Dionysus was half God and half mortal. This 7 page paper provides a tutorial based on the thesis that writing about the Greek God, Dionysus, the duality of his form and disposition may be a place from which the study may begin. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KTdnysus.wps

Discussion Of The Seven Feasts
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3 pages in length. The book of Leviticus sets forth that there are Seven Feasts of the Lord, which are also referred to as Festivals, that are instrumental in celebrating religious events. These Feasts and Festivals are remembrances in reflection of God's considerable acts of salvation He performed for His people. Hence the name, it is not unusual to find that a good number of these celebrations were cycled in a series of seven, which follow such a process as to climax on the seventh day. The writer discusses the significance of the cycle of seven, as well as the various feasts. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: 7Feasts.rtf

Distinct Similarities Across Religions
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A 5 page essay exploring similarities (similar foundations, philosophies, etc;) across various religions with examples from the Bible. Also referenced is examples from Richard Elliott Friedman's book, 'The Disappearance of God." No additional sources cited.
Filename: Godsim.wps

Do Artists and Playwrights in the Classical World Present Herakles in a Consistant Way?
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This 14 page paper examines the background of the Greek god Herakles and how this mythalogical figure is depicted in art. Additionally, this paper examines whether various pieces of art depicting Herakles depict a consistant image.
Filename: GSHerakl.rtf

Dreaming and the Nature of Death & Beyond
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This 8 page paper discussing the nature of what dreaming reveals about death and what lies beyond death. The writer draws a great deal of information from leading Christian theological thinkers, with some reference to more modern psychological theories regarding dreams. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Theodrem.wps

Edith Hamilton/Mythology
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This 5 page paper dicusses Edith Hamilton's book, Mythology. It talks about how she presents Greek mythology, and the different stories that involve it. 1 source cited.
Filename: 90myth.rtf

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