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Papers On Mythology
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Charlemagne's Many Roles
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This 12 page paper provides an overview of this well liked, infamous emperor who lived during the Middle Ages. The paper asks whether this leader should be deemed an emperor, a warrior or a Christian crusader; his possible role in each of these designations is discussed in depth. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: SA16Char.wps

Christian Iconography and Medieval Burial Rites
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A 14 page paper discussing the influence of Christian symbolism and iconography in the Middle Ages. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Icon.doc

Christian Tithing
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A 3 page paper that discusses the questions: what is tithing, why should a person tithe, when should a person tithe and what should a person do if they think they cannot tithe. Numerous citations from the Bible are offered in the discussion. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PGtithe.rtf

Chupacabras: Clearly Fictional Creatures
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7 pages in length. Fantastic creatures have existed throughout time as the direct result of man's overactive imagination. From the Loch Ness Monster to Bigfoot, history has never had a shortage of wholly unaccountable, bizarre living things and the people who have sighted them. The fervor and hype surrounding one particularly intriguing creature named Chupacabras was especially noted during the last decade of the twentieth century, with its telltale legacy of leaving behind blood-sucked animal carcasses a recurring find in Puerto Rico. Indeed, arguments are strong from both sides -- with believers surmising the short, red-eyed reptilian-like attacker to be an alien, mutant or, worse yet, a secret government experiment gone awry -- but the lack of any more convincing evidence beyond visual sightings does not establish much credibility to its existence, leaving only one possible theory: Chupacabras is wholly fictional. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCChupa.rtf

Church Leaders Lack Adequate Training
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5 pages in length. Church leaders are often the first place parishioners go to seek help in a crisis. However, a poorly trained clergyman can do more damage than good if the guidance offered stems from ignorance or lack of knowledge. The writer discusses how comprehensive training is crucial in order for church leaders to properly assist their parish, as well as addresses how that training may be approached. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Chrchldr.wps

Comic Books / Modern Mythology or Escapism ?
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This 6 page paper examines the comic book genre to determine if contemporary comic books are representative of modern mythology or are merely pure escapism. Bibliography included.
Filename: Comicb.wps

Commitment and Cultural Diversity
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A 5 page discussion of one Native American woman's quest to understand cultural diversity, especially diversity in her law enforcement workplace. Relates the difficulties she encounters as a woman and how she helps to acquaint the rest of the workplace with Native American culture. Describes some of the problems Native Americans encounter and dispels some of the stereotypes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPcommiB.wps

Comparison /Jacob and Odysseus
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A 5 page essay that analyzes the story of Jacob in Genesis and the saga of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey. The writer contrasts and compares the features of the two narratives. No additional sources cited. khodyjac.rtf Comparison /Jacob and Odysseus : a 5 page essay that analyzes the story of Jacob in Genesis and the saga of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey. The writer contrasts and compares the features of the two narratives. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khodyjac.rtf

Comparison of the Gods; The Ancient Greeks and the Early Christians Perceptions;
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This 5 page paper looks at the way the gods are portrayed in two very different belief systems trough two literary works. By using Homer's 'The Iliad' and Saint Augustine's 'Confessions' the representational similarities and differences are discussed and explained. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEgreekg.wps

Conspiracy Of Pontiac
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A 5 page essay on the two volume book, Conspiracy of Pontiac, by Indian war historian Francis Parkman. The writer provides an informative & critical analysis covering Parkman's style, theme, and literary allusions. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Pontiac.wps

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