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Papers On Mythology
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Meaning, Function & Significance of Greek Mythology
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A 10 page paper which examines Greek mythology by considering three or more myths to determine meaning, function and significance. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TGmyth.wps

Medieval / Liturgical Drama And "The Story of Daniel"
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A 10 page paper on the Medieval liturgical drama. The paper provides a description of the basis of drama and how it was incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church to teach Bible stories to the congregation. The Story of Daniel is discussed in relationship to this type of teaching, and how the drama was used in Medieval times versus how it is used today. This particular drama became a stepping stone for the incorporation of secular music into the liturgical process of presentation, and as such, led to opera and the modernization of heroic plays. The play is being used today in both church settings and film, and the storyline is being incorporated into as diverse fields as music and multimedia. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Medieval.doc

Medieval Coinage
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In this 8 page research paper, the writer examines issues and circumstances concerning the coining of money during medieval times. Economic situations are assessed and the overall impact that coining had over the centuries is determined. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Coins.wps

Medieval Feudalism
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A 6 page research paper exploring the elements of medieval feudalism in England. Descriptions of what constituted medieval feudalism, reason for wars, status of women and the decline of the feudal system are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 references.
Filename: Feud.wps

Medieval Judaism
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A 3 page essay responding to the lot of the Jewish in the Middle Ages. The paper mentions the premier Jewish philosopher of the era, Maimonides, and a few of his positions that are tenets of Orthodox Jewish doctrine today. It glances at the fact that practicing Jews, through application, education and commitment, are generally effective at their work, regardless of what that work might be, and that the anti-Semitism of the time might have sprung more from envy than from dogmatic differences. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Jews.wps

Medieval Monasticism
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A 3 page essay examining the role of monasteries in the Middle Ages, and using Monte Cassino, founded by St. Benedictine, as the standard against which others are compared. One cited reference.
Filename: Monast.wps

Mehta & The Healing Powers Of The River Sutra In Indian Culture
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A 4 page discussion of the Indian myth of the River Sutra. The writer examines this story as being similar in theme to popular American 'old wives' tales.' The healing powers of the river can easily be compared with those of chicken soup-- the capacity to cure is really only mental. The paper goes on to discuss the plight of individual characters along the River Sutra but it is ultimately concluded that the River does not have any healing powers over the seriously ill. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Riversut.wps

Meyer Levin's Heritage in 'The Old Bunch'
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A 12 page look at the issue of ethnic character in Levin's novel. The paper looks at Levin's novel in terms of his own life and history, and argues that the seeds of his later mania are contained in this early book. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MeyLevi.wps

Monks in Medieval France / Vows Of Chastity ?
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6 pages in length. Medieval monks.. did they adhere to their vows of chastity, poverty, obedience, and sometimes silence? Research suggests not. Evidence points to excesses in physical pleasures, especially in the realms of sex and food. The sometimes perverted sexual habits of some of the monks has been passed down through anecdotal records. Bibliography included.
Filename: Monks.wps

Monsters as a Reflection of Societal Issues
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A 10 page research paper that examines the field of "monster theory" for it reveals relative to medieval society. Historian Jeffrey J. Cohen proposes that "monster theory" constitutes a new modus legendi, that is, a method that consists of reading cultures based upon the monsters they engender. In other words, the ways that cultures have personified their fears is indicative of the viewpoints and imperatives of those cultures. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: 99monstr.wps

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