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Christianity & Scholarship
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A 4 page paper that provides an overview of Tinder's article entitled 'Exercising a Christian Intellect' from Christian Century, which is essentially a look at George Marsden's recent work on scholarship and religion. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Chrisint.wps

Christianity & Vampires
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A 5 page paper investigating whether there is any connection between vampirism and Christianity. Vampire census-takers have identified several hundred individuals around the world who claim to be physical (but not spiritual) vampires. That there is paranormal activity in the world there is no doubt. God has promised it, and the Bible describes some of it. But even with all the evidence of the paranormal and of the occult, plus the Bible's confirmation that it will indeed occur, there is no evidence that any comparison between vampirism and Christianity needs even to be made. The idea of the 'living dead' is inconsistent with the most basic teachings of the Bible, and there are far more other, real occurrences of the paranormal that are not. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Chrivamp.wps

Christianity Today
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Christianity is and always has been the dominant religious preference in the United States. It was founded on the philosophy of religious freedom and the extensive diversity that has characterized the development of the nation has defined much of the political sentiment over the years. t is essential to understanding the status of Christianity today to relate a history of its development in the United States. There remains a core of Christian believers that are the foundation of Christian belief today. A trend in commercialization of Christian products indicates a rise of interest among younger people. This 6 page paper examines the history of Christianity in the United States and concludes with a creative look of the status of Christian thought in today's world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Christod.wps

Gnosticism in Early Christianity
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In 5 pages, the author explores the role of Gnosticism in early Christianity. Gnosticism had a role in early Christianity. For some, the role was minimal, while for others the role was the essence of Christianity. Gnosticism was a quest for spiritual knowledge of an intimate nature. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PCgec.wps

Popol Vuh / Converting Mexico's Indians To Christianity
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10 pages in length. The Popol Vuh is as critical to the history of the Native Americans as any book of recorded history would be to an entire circle of peoples. It is, indeed, what the Native Americans have looked upon as their holy book of the Quiche Indians of Guatemala. Translated, the words Popol Vuh represent the unification of people in God's name, which to them is a magic word; indeed, it stands for the Book of the Community. It also symbolizes all things good, such as the sun, light and fertility. Yet through this vast connection to its Mexican history, Popol Vuh also speaks of the reasons behind what ultimately lead the Indians of Mexico to find their faith in Christianity. The writer discusses the relevance of the Popol Vuh as it relates to the conversion of Mexico's Native Americans to Christianity. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Popolvuh.wps

The Future of Christianity
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In 8 pages the author discusses the future of Christianity. Christianity is a religion that has many theologies and doctrines. Although there are many sects of Christianity, they all share certain values and beliefs. The main points of Christianity are an adherence to the ten commandments, and a belief in the concepts that Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, Jesus was crucified, dead and buried, Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Christfut.wps

Creationism Verses Evolution
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A 9 page outline of the theories of creationism and evolution. Outlines the strengths and weaknesses of each and concludes that neither is inherently superior to the other. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Creaevo.wps

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A 5 page paper discussing the basics of evolution. Included is a description of the classic theory of evolution in addition to the theory of creationism. A brief sketch of the history of evolution is included followed by a discussion of the two theories that are most prevalent. A discussion about the possibilities both theories possess is illustrated. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Evolve.wps

Evolution vs. Creationism
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A 10 page research paper discussing Evolution vs. Creation. Topics explored include: reaction of 19th century theologians and clergy to Darwin's theories, court cases resulting from teaching the theory of evolution, including the famous Scopes' Monkey Trial, the current acceptance level of evolution. Bibliography includes 10 references.
Filename: Darwin.wps

Is Creationism a Science ? -- Yes !
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A comprehensive, 6 page discussion of whether or not creationism is truly a science. The author believes that it is in fact, a science and defines many relevant terms. Bibliography lists 6 sources. Keywords: biology, evolution, social science.
Filename: Creatism.wps

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