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Role of Jewish Women in Shtetl Life Before 1917
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A 6 page research paper that examines the role of women in Judaism in Eastern Europe prior to 1917. The writer particularly concentrates on the work of Jewish author and historian, Yaffa Eliach, and her book, There Once Was a World, which describes life in the shtetl of Eishyshok, which was located in Lithuania. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: 99shetel.wps

Traditions of Judaism / How Chasidim Differ
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8 pages in length. An analytical examination of 'tradition' as it relates to modern Jewish people. Based upon experience and library research, the writer argues that many contemporary Jews have lost sight of tradition and attempt to offer some historic explanation as to why. The differences between Chasidic, Conservative, and Reformed Jews are discussed in great detail to illustrate points made. An informative history and overview of the Chasidic people is provided. Bibliography lists 10 supporting sources.
Filename: Jewstrad.wps

Two Religions--One Family
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A 9 page research paper which discusses the effects of maintaining two religions. Four real-life scenarios describe the joys and heartbreaks involved in this dual-relationship struggle. A brief background into Judaism and Catholicism is included. Bibliography contains five sources.
Filename: Famireli.wps

Satan And The Book Of Job
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5 pages in length. Say the word Satan, and most people immediately think of a devilish character who inflicts torturous pain and misery on his victims. But the Satan known in the Book of Job was not such a malevolent being; in fact, it was with the permission of God that he imposed harm upon Job, a faithful servant to God. The writer defines Satan's place within the Book of Job and briefly describes his actions with respect to Taoism. Bibliography included.
Filename: Satanjob.wps

The Book of Job - Chapter One
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This 5 page report discusses the first chapter of the Old Testament's Book of Job. The first chapter introduces the reader to the hardships Job must endure and as the chapter ends, Job proclaims some of the most famous lines of any section of the Bible - ' . . . the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.' Bibliography lists only the book itself as a source.
Filename: Bkofjob.wps

Book of Job / Divine Justice
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A 5 page paper that provides and overview of the discourse between Job and his friends in The Book of Job and reflects on the impact of this discourse on the concept of divine justice. Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.
Filename: Bookjob2.wps

The Book of Job / Court Imagery
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A 5 page paper that considers the use of court imagery in the Book of Job. The writer contends that court imagery is an effective means of supporting the themes of suffering and justice in the work. Bibliography with 2 sources.
Filename: Bookjob.wps

The Work of the Holy Spirit
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A 3 page paper discussing the purpose and the role that the Holy Spirit plays in the world. The Holy Spirit is a pure entity that is intent on demonstrating the love of God. It is a part of God and is shown to the true believers so that they can share it with others and bring people closer to God. It's intent is to share truth. love, peace, and pure joy to the people of faith. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Holy2.wps

The Bible As The Word of God
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A 14 page paper in which the writer examines -- from a philosophical perspective, how we can say on the basis of divine revelation that The Bible is the word of God? Rather than look at the complex angles of that interpretation, we can take a simpler route to the answer. Why do the interpretations of the fall differ? In fact, there is validity in all interpretations : This -- and other relevant issues such as the underlying message of St. John's writings that preparedness in faith and unconditional love of God shall result in salvation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Wordofgo.rtf

Abraham's Covenant With God
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A 5 page essay that compares and contrasts the covenant made between God and Abraham as recorded in Genesis: Chapters 13, 15 and 17. The writer also notes the total obedience and faithfullness of Abraham and the fact that God chose him as a father of many nations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Abram.wps

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