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Mariama Ba's So Long a Letter / The Picture of Women in Islamic Culture
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In Mariama Ba's work So Long a Letter, Ba creates two central and strong female characters who contradict the standard role of women in African communities dominated by Islamic doctrines, like that of Senegal. This 3 page paper provides a concise overview of the elements in Ba's novel that support this supposition. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Basolo1.wps

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6 pages in length. The writer discusses the life and teachings of Muhammad, the prophet instrumental for the spread of Islam. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Muhamm.wps

Muslims & Mawlid / Should The Prophet's Birthday Be Celebrated ?
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An 8 page research paper which examines the controversy in the Muslim world as to whether or not the mawlid, a religious holiday in honor of the Prophet's birthday should be celebrated. The writer gives a thorough discussion of the issues involved along with a brief look at other Islamic mawlid celebrations. Bibliography contains 5 sources.
Filename: Mawlids.wps

Mysticism, Saints, and Fana in Islam
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A 5 page paper on the concept of mysticism in Islam. The writer describes how mysticism was begun by the Sufis and how the concept of Fana was articulated by three of its saints: al-bistami, al-junayd, and al-hallaj. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Islamf.wps

Religion Inc / Mixing God With Business
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A 5 page essay examining how religion has become a money machine and much more like business than a spiritual community. Fund raising practices are examined as well as the government and religion connection. This essay examines Christian Churches, The Nation of Islam, Church of Scientology and The Unification Church. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: religinc.wps

The Development of Islamic Modernism
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9 pages in length. An insightful essay on Islamic Modernism as it began in the 19th century preceded by movements to improve the political and economic situations of the Muslim world. The belief and works of Sayyid Jamal al-Din-Al-Afghani, Shaykh Muhammad 'Abduh, and Sayyid Ahmad Khan are discussed in great detail as are the various sociopolitical conditions and factors that facilitated their philosophies and movements. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Islamte2.wps

The Koran [Qu'ran] / An Overview
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This 10 page paper explores the basic tenets of the Koran/Qur'an as followed by Muslims. Discussion includes the Prophet Mohammad, his revelations, the recording of the Prophet's messages and also his sayings, the basic principles of Islam and the basic actions the Muslim is expected to follow. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Koranq.wps

The Nation of Islam & The U.S.A.
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7 pages in length. A comprehensive overview of the Nation of Islam, its history, background, purpose, and fundamental doctrines as set forth by the beliefs of men like Clarence 13X and later carried on by Elijah Muhammad and others. The writer briefly covers the Nation of Islam's development and analyzes its role in contemporary America. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Islamtes.wps

The Significance of Islam
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This 5 page research paper traces the origins of the Islam religion and influence as a social, military and political power from its beginnings up until the 18th Century. Some comparisons are made between the establishment of Islamic empires and those established by the Christians in the New World. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Islamsig.wps

Comparison/ Bible & The Odyssey
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A 5 page comparison of the first chapter of the Hebrew Bible and Homer's epic poem, 'The Odyssey.' Throughout history, from the time of the earliest civilizations, there have been literary compositions that attempted to explain life and the consequences of human action as it might relate to divine will. Each culture has addressed the relationship to the divine its own fashion. Homer expressed this for the ancient Greeks and unknown Hebrew scholars recorded the oral traditions of the Jewish tribes. No additional sources cited.
Filename: 99bibody.rtf

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