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Papers On Business - Management
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"Partners Health Care System, Inc.,(B): Cardiac Care Improvement"
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A 5 page review of a 2001 article by Gary Pisano (Harvard Business School) detailing the changes made at a Massachusetts hospital that allowed the simultaneous reduction of costs for caring for cardiac patients, the reduction of resource utilization and patient length of stay, and improved patient outcome. The author details the process the organization went through and concludes that although several problems still remained, the processes that had been put in place to resolve costs and patient outcome in the restrictions levied by capitated insurance contracts could be expected to be successfully utilized to overcome those problems as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPmedEf2.rtf

"Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line": A Review of the Book by Ben Hamper
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A 3 page overview of the life of a fourth generation production line worker in Flint Michigan in the 1970s and 1980s. The author outlines the impact the United Autoworkers Union (UAW) had on Hamper and his fellow workers. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPriveth.rtf

"Staffing the World" -- Kelly Services Inc.
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This 3 page report discusses the temporary employment agency � Kelly Services. The company headquartered in Troy, Michigan, offers: "�human resources solutions that include temporary services, staff leasing, outsourcing, vendor on-site and full-time placement." This report looks at the company's history, what industries it serves, how many workers it utilizes, and how such an organization deals with booms and busts in the larger economy. . Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWkellys.rtf

"The Experience Economy"
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A 4 page review of the economic insight provided by Joseph Pine and James Gilmore. This paper affirms these authors' argument that there has been a transition from a goods-based economy to more of an experience-based economy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPecnExp.rtf

"The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey" by Kenneth Blanchard, William Oncken, Jr. and Hal Burrows
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This 4 page report discusses the 1991 addition to the "One Minute Manager" series. This book offer readers an analogy that is remarkably appropriate for the over-worked managers in every type of profit and non-profit organization. The analogy is that when a manager takes on a problem that does not truly "belong" to him or her, the result is "a monkey on your back." Bibliography lists only the primary source.
Filename: BWmnkey1.rtf

"Twelve Angry Men" And "Wall Street": Management Concepts
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5 pages in length. According to industry analysts, there has never been � nor will there ever be � a single, most effective manner by which to manage. Indeed, the vast number of components that comprise the overall aspect of leadership precludes there being an exclusive method for optimal management strategies. The reason for this stems from the fact that companies must be looked upon as individual nations that require specific direction based upon diverse variables. When assessing this notion as it relates to the films "Twelve Angry Men" and "Wall Street," the writer discusses different approaches each movie utilizes to gain much the same outcome. No bibliography.
Filename: TLCwllst.wps

"We Have No Time For Marketing Research!"
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This 12 page paper discusses a statement made by a senior management of a UK charity organisation "we have no time for marketing research", identifying the pertinent issues in the scenario and explaining the significance of marketing techniques in addressing these issues. The paper shows how marketing research may take up some time and resources but may make a net contribution to any organisation. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Filename: TEmarketing.rtf

'Got Milk?' Campaign
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5 pages in length. The writer discusses the 'Got Milk?' campaign as it relates to the future of milk consumption. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TLCmilk.wps

'Marketing Myopia' - Still Relevant After Nearly 40 Years
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This 5 page report discusses 'Marketing Myopia' that was written by Theodore Levitt for the Harvard Business Review in 1960. According to Levitt, Business leaders who continue to concentrate myopically on the bottom line, wooing the approval of Wall Street and shareholders for their quarterly earnings performance, are certain to get low marks in their aspirations as marketers. The issue is essential relationship is the one between organizations and their consumers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Markmyo.wps

'Toyland: The High-Stakes Game of the Toy Industry' by Sidney Stern & Ted Schoenhaus
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It is interesting how toys effect the economy of the nation. Sidney Stern and Ted Schoenhaus have written a book about the toy industry, which is entitled: 'Toyland: The High-Stakes Game of the Toy Industry,' in which they discuss among other things, competition and economics in this field. No other source cited.
Filename: PCtoys.doc

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