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Papers On Sciences
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Scientific Societies Of The Enlightenment
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5 pages in length. The Enlightenment was one of the central tasks where the major thinkers and scientific societies of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries established themselves. What this means in terms of the manner in which philosophers and scientists looked at the broader scope of existence lies within the works produced during that period. Having both embraced and critiqued the Enlightenment, the scientific societies recognized it as a time in which all of mankind could break free from the confines of what had heretofore been accepted as a universal recognition of existence; with each individual following in the footsteps of those who went before, without any question as to why things were accomplished in any certain order, the time for the Enlightenment symbolized the chance to break free from such scientific constraints. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCscien.wps
Problems of Fossil Fuels and the Advantages of Solar Energy
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This 20 page report discusses the technological dependency of the
industrialized world on fossil fuels and the ways in which those
fuels have steadily degraded the Earth�s environment. The
general public�s concern about the environment, the multiple
efforts of environmental activists, along with fresh ways of
thinking by scientists and resource managers, has led to a new
philosophy regarding the handling of the unique natural
properties of living on Earth. This philosophy says that humanity
has the capability to manage resources to sustain a full array of
values and uses through a broader understanding of the ecosystems
they inhabit. One of the most valuable and
environmentally-friendly sources of energy is solar power.
Information regarding solar energy is also presented.
Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: BWadtech.wps
Constructed Wetlands in Wastewater Treatment: Design and Monitoring Considerations
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A 9 page overview of the use of constructed wetlands in the receipt and treatment of domestic wastewater. Outlines the design considerations which must be considered prior to construction and operational and monitoring considerations which ensure the ongoing success of a project. Includes a sample of specific design and performance information for an operational wastewater to wetlands operation in Manila. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPwetWst.wps
LaChapelle, Dolores � Sacred Land Sacred Sex Rapture of the Deep
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This 6 page report discusses deep ecologist Dolores LaChapelle�s 1988 book addressing the issues surrounding deep ecology. Her particular area of interest and expertise is the range of the Rocky Mountains called the San Juan Mountains in southwestern Colorado. Bibliography lists only the primary source.
Filename: BWdeep.rtf
Howler Monkeys
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10 pages in length. Howler monkeys face an uncertain future with regard to species survival. The tree-dwelling, fruit-eating primates who are indigenous to Central and South America make their home far within the rain forest, where they have been met with significant hardship and population decline on account of mankind's ongoing deforestation and logging pursuits. With little if any regard for the life forms that comprise the forest's diversity, man is slowly but surely sealing the coffin on a number of animal species as he continues to demolish their delicate living area, and the howler monkey is just one whose existence is threatened. People like ethologist Robert Horwich have set in motion conservation efforts that will aid the species' eventual survival. The writer discusses deforestation, logging and conservation efforts in relation to the howler monkey. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLChowlr.wps
Evolution and Creationism
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A 16 page paper discussing the strengths and weakness of the views of the creationists and the evolutionists. While evolutionists present a single group,
creationists come adhering to all manner of ideas and theories. The most vocal group are the young-earth creationists, who maintain the earth likely is 6,000 years old and certainly no more than 10,000. Regardless of the unwillingness of this group to accept evolutionary theory as plausible or even as fact, there are other creationist groups who do, who even embrace evolution as a sign of God's involvement in progressive creation. The paper examines each side's strengths, weaknesses, conflicts and evidence. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: KSevolution15.wps
The Theory of Evolution: Fact or Fairy Tale?
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This 6 page paper provides a substantive overview of Darwin�s Theory of Evolution as it has been applied in contrast to Christianity�s notion of creationism, and then relates these elements to the argument that the Darwinian based concept of evolution is essentially a myth. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MHDarwin.wps
Convergent Evolution -- Desert Habitats and Coral Reefs
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This 5 page report discusses convergent evolution in terms of the ways in which plants and animals develop survival and adaptation characteristics for their particular environment. Such adaptations have evolved I species as wide-ranging as non-succulent desert plants to the various types of creatures forming the ecosystem of a coral reef. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWdesevo.rtf
Acid Rain: Effects on the Environment and Man
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A 5 page overview of the phenomenon of acid rain. Describes the phenomenon from a chemical standpoint emphasizing the role of sulfuric acid, chlorofluorocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitric acid. Relates the impacts which acid rain can have on the environment and on man. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPacdRn2.wps
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This 6 page paper details the problems that pilots have in the area of auditory and motion perception in the cockpit during flights. Solutions and cutting edge research which may help to solve the problems are outlined. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MBflight.rtf
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