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Advances in GIS; The Literature of Paul A Longley
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This 8 page paper is a review of some of the publications by Paul Longley, who is a geographer that has contributed to the development of GIS. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEgispal.wps

Advances In The Science & Technology Of Earthquake Prediction & Protection
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A 5 page paper discussing scientific advancements in the prediction of earthquakes and the means by which technology can assist in minimizing earthquake damage. Bibliography lists five sources.
Filename: Quakepro.wps

African Sleeping Sickness
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A 5 page overview of African Sleeping Sickness and the Organisms that cause it. The author discusses the manner in which the disease is transmitted, its impact to the body, symptoms and treatment. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPslpSi2.rtf

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An overview of the phenomenon of ageing from a biochemical perspective, looking at the programmed and random damage theories and the ways in which these might be approached in order to take into account both genetic and stochastic causes of ageing. Bibliography lists 5 sources
Filename: JLageing.rtf

Agriculture and Genetic Engineering
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of some of the central points regarding the use and abuse of genetic engineering in agriculture. This paper considers the benefits and problems caused by this kind of genetic exploration. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Mbgena5.rtf

Agriculture and its Impact on Financial Institutions
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15 pages. Because of the uncertainty in the agricultural markets there is a definite impact on the lending institutions that service them. There are so many variables in the farming industry that there is no guarantee from year to year that agribusinesses will be able to keep up with loan payments if they have one or more years of losses in a row. There is currently widespread controversy among the agribusinesses and lending institutions on Capitol Hill as to how best to cope with the problem. One such solution would be to privatize lenders dealing with farm loans, and other solutions run the gamut from asking farm lenders to diversify their businesses to suggesting more emergency funding from the government. It is the purpose of this paper to prove that while farm lending can be a risky business it would serve no good purpose and would be unfair to other businesses for government emergency funding to be increased; lending institutions will need to work out ways to deal with the agribusiness risk. Bibliography lists 36 sources.
Filename: JGAagfin.wps

Albert Einstein's Contributions To Mathematics
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A 5 page paper that reports Einstein's first three papers that led to a new perception of the universe, from evidence for the existence of molecules and atoms to his general theory of relativity that led to a new understanding of the universe, including space, time, motion and gravity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGeins.rtf

Alfalfa and 'Yellow Rocket' (Barbarea vulgaris)
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This 6 page report discusses the interaction between alfalfa crops and a common weed. The weed chosen for examination is Barbarea vulgaris, most commonly known as 'yellow rocket.' Yellow rocket is usually biennial or perennial with some plants flowering, setting seed and dying after their first growing season; reproducing only by seed but the seeds are notable for their ability to germinate with minimal soil requirements. Yellow rocket and other weeds reduce alfalfa production during establishment by competing with and choking out young alfalfa seedlings, invade established alfalfa fields, and reducing forage quality and yield. Several aspects of intervention and eradication are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWalfalf.rtf

Alfred Russel Wallace: Reputation
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8 pages in length. It has been said that Alfred Russel Wallace's reputation falls far short of what his scientific achievements merit, an assertion that might be supported by evidence pointing to Wallace's spiritualist tendencies. By the same token, however, he was just as steeped within the fundamental tenets of science as any other man of factual knowledge; however, he was able to bring together these two seemingly unassociated perspectives under the umbrella of scientific understanding. This blatant departure from conventional approach had many up in arms and, therefore, quick to accuse Wallace of having no basis to his scientific assertions, to which Wallace indicated how there is more than one way to look at and consider the principles of science. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCWallace.rtf

Alkaline Phosphatase
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3 pages in length. The enzyme alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is created in three places throughout the body: placenta, liver and bone. Bone growth and bile reflect the two locations where ALP is measured at its highest level. When bodily injuries occur, ALP is dispatched to aid in the healing process; additionally, it helps with the formation of bone during the growing process and aids in the fetal development during pregnancy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCAlkaline.rtf

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