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The Jesuits
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In 8 pages the author discusses the Society of Jesus, which is also known as The Jesuits. Through it preachings, teachings, etc., the Jesuits have held a major impact on the Catholic reformation, even though the papacy (bishops, etc) thought the society was a major danger to the faith and was destined to cause havoc rather than edification, etc. Without the Jesuits, the church might not be where it is today. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Socojes.wps

Did Jesus Have Healing Powers ?
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A 20 page essay that explores the validity of the belief that Jesus had healing powers. References to support this belief are drawn from the Bible, from ancient documents, and from the interpretations of various scholars as well as a scientifically based analysis of one miraculous healing Jesus is purported to have performed. The essay identifies the problems inherent in answering the question and looks at the Jesus' life, where the Bible came from, the spread of the Church, and citations of healings from the Bible. A secondary resource bibliography where support is found for Jesus' life is also provided. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Jesuheal.wps

Christology and Jesus
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A 5 page research essay exploring contemporary study of Christology. The focus of Christology is somewhat different depending on which theologian one reads, however one definition that seems to be accepted is that Christology and bible studies are 'two aspects of a single inquiry into divine revelation.' It also focuses on the life of Jesus and once again asks the question, 'Who was He?' This writer contends that some things in life must be accepted on faith and 'who Jesus is' is one of those things. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Christology.rtf

How Jesus' Sermon On The Mount Relates To Christian Life & The Church
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5 pages in length. Jesus' Sermon on the Mount relates directly to the Church and Christian life in that it speaks of life having specific meaning. No matter the how saddening the cause, no matter how sorrowful the occasion, Jesus' Sermon reflects the positive -- much the same way the Church and Christian life look upon the good of each situation. Indeed, the main correlation among them is that one must learn to let go of mortal attachments; that holding onto entities of this world will only delay one's salvation. The writer discusses how the truth of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount mirrored the Church and Christian beliefs. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Jesuser.wps

How Jewish Was Jesus?
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This 8 page report discusses the question of how Jewish Jesus of Nazareth was according to the gospel of Matthew. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Jewjesus.wps

Jesus / His Crime and Punishment
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A 4 page essay exploring the crime Jesus committed under the prevailing laws of the day. The questions investigated were: did Jesus, in fact, commit a crime and if He did, was His punishment in accordance with the Roman legal system in place at the time? Christians do not believe Jesus committed any crime other than to preach the truth. But was that the reality under the laws governing all Jews and Romans? The writer describes the laws and normal punishments in terms of Jesus' declaration that He was the Son of God. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Jesuscp.wps

Jesus Christ & The Shroud of Turin
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A 5 page research paper which postulates that the Shroud of Turin is the authentic burial cloth of Jesus Christ. The writer uses the latest scientific evidence to support an argument on the Shroud's authenticity. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Turin.wps

Jesus Through the Centuries / Book Review
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A 10 page, analytical essay on this book by Jaroslav Pelikan that examines the author's personal beliefs about Jesus and their relevance to Biblical fact. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Jesuscen.wps

Jewish View Of The Messiah
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A 10 page essay exploring the Messiah in the Jewish faith. Topics covered include: historical context of the concept of the Messiah, what the Messiah will be like, why Jews are waiting for the Messiah, why Jesus cannot be the Messiah, and what will happen after the Messiah's coming. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Jmess.rtf

Judas And The Betrayal Of Jesus
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A 7 page paper that discusses the events surrounding Judas' betrayal of Jesus. Judas is one of the most talked about figures in the Bible and yet there are very few references to him. These are discussed. Also discussed is why Judas found it necessary to kiss Jesus in the Garden when by all accounts everyone knew who Jesus was. The disparity in the incident in the Garden is pointed out as is the disparity in Judas' final actions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGjudas.wps

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