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Papers On Medical Ethics
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World Wide Human Rights.
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(11 pp) This paper was designed as a tutorial for an individual with English as a second language. A general examination and definition of human rights begins this discussion. The human rights violations against women by the Kaliban of Afghanistan are discussed. Bibliography lists 11 sources .
Filename: BB kalibn.

�Stem Cell Research�
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A seven page paper which looks at the arguments for and against stem cell research, with reference to the use of foetal tissue and adult stem cells, and considers the pragmatic, medical and ethical elements surrounding the issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JLstem.wps

�The First Human Cloned Embryo�: A Discussion of How the Research Conducted by Cibelli, Lanza, West, and Ezzell Pertains to the Mental Health Profession
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A 5 page review of the article published in the January 2002 edition of �Scientific American� recounting these researchers experiences in stem cell research. This article offers a fascinating glimpse into many aspects of cloning and stem cell research. The author of this paper interprets the research from a mental health perspective. Included is a discussion of the applications in the treatment of such conditions as Parkinson disease. An emphasis is also placed on the responsibility of the mental health professional to serve as an interpreter of stem cell research to the general public. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPcloneA.rtf

�Utilitarianism and Organ Donation�
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A five page paper which considers organ donation and transplantation from a utilitarian perspective, and looks at whether the enforcement of donation does in fact serve the greater good of the community as a whole from a long-term viewpoint. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: JLtransplants.wps

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