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Papers On Medical Ethics
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The Implications of Animal Experimentation
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This 5 page paper addresses both sides of the controversy concerning testing of animals. Both pro and con arguments are fully examined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA012tes.wps

The Importance Of Moral Principles In Professional Counseling
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5 pages in length. The writer discusses beneficence, nonmalefience, confidentiality, veracity, autonomy, fidelity/faithfulness, justice and competency as they relate to moral principles in professional counseling. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCMrlCo.rtf

The Insufficient Representation of Minorities in Medical Research
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This 6 page paper presents an overview of research on the lack of participation of minorities in medical research. Reasons why minorities are reluctant to participate are duly noted. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA248min.rtf

The Issue of Confidentiality within Mental Illness
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This 7 page paper looks at the dichotomy of duty and confidentiality when considering the role of professionals in the care of the mentally ill. Issues such as the care and protection of third parties are included in addition to a literary review and an examination of Tarasoff v. Regents Of The University of California. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEconfme.wps

The Medical Experiments of the Nazi�s
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This 6 page paper considers what medical research was undertaken on unwilling victims by the Nazi�s. This included experiments with hypothermia, sterilisation, amputations and the treatments of wounds as well as poisons, drugs and experiments on twins. The writer then considers how this data is seen and used in today�s society. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEnazime.rtf

The OHRP and the Care of Patients in Clinical Research
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An eight page paper which looks at investigations by the OHRP into various instances of irregularities and contravention of guidelines in relation to the care of human volunteers participating in clinical research trials. Bibliography lists 4 sources
Filename: JLohpr.wps

The Patient Self-Determination Act: Considerations for the Individual and the Health Care Provider
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A 5 page overview of the considerations entailed in the Patient Self Determination Act implemented in 1991. The author details the measures which have been taken in her employer�s hospital to meet the requirements of this Act then approaches the Act from a more personal level. In attempting to fill out the Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare required by the State of California the author comes to the realization that considerable thought must go into the process to ensure that the real intent of her desires is effectively conveyed in this document. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPPtntDt.rtf

The Patient's Right to Make Pain Management Decisions
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This 5 page paper addresses issues surrounding pain management. Should a patient be allowed to die if medical science cannot properly manage his or her pain? The Dax Cowart case is referenced in the discussion. Other issues are addressed such as addiction to opiates and just how much influence a patient should have in his or her own medical care. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA246pn.rtf

The Philosophy of Cloning: Presentation of Philosopher Mary Warnock�s Argument on Cloning and Further Discussion
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This is a 4 page paper discussing the philosophical arguments presented in regards to cloning. Philosophical arguments against the process of cloning, a medical procedure of duplicating genetic code (DNA) of individuals in order to produce a new generation of �duplicates�, is not only based on the moral considerations raised by those in society in regards to the uniqueness of individuals and the preservation of �human dignity� but also in regards to the safety of the procedure and how it will be used in the future. In consideration of cloning, philosopher Lady Mary Warnock presents arguments based on a �hypothetical� future in which cloning has been deemed a safe procedure while additional discussion takes further account of using morality as a sound basis for medical decisions. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJpclon1.rtf

The Positive Aspects of Cloning
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This 7page paper looks at the controversial issue of cloning, including human cloning. The perspective adopted is one of the support for cloning and discusses the benefits it may bring to medical science by way of saving and enhancing lives. The bibliography cites 9 sources and includes may quoted from authoritative sources.
Filename: TEclonin.wps

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