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Papers On Nutrition & Exercise
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Stage IV (Delta) Sleep
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5 pages in length. Sleep is essential to life; it is one of several components, including food and water, that keep the living being alive. However, a great many of the human population have considerable difficulty reaching and maintaining Stage IV within their sleeping pattern, the stage that allows the mind and body to fall into a deep and restorative sleep. This paper will offer some insight through suggested experiments as to the function of Stage IV, as well as attempt to understand its purpose. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: StageIV.wps

Strength Training
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A 7 page paper which examines the benefits of strength training. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TGstrong.rtf

Stress and the Body
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This nine-page-paper presents a discussion on the effect of stress on various systems including the cardiovascular system, the endro system and the dermilogical system. Bibliography lists four sources.
Filename: CWstress.wps

Stress, Caffeine and Nutrition
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A 3 page paper illustrating the detrimental effects of sugar and caffeine in times of stress. Good nutrition and a balanced diet over time contribute to the reduction of the effects of stress on the body. Nutrient supplies are greater and are available to meet the increased demand placed on them by the body�s reaction to stress, and blood sugar levels are more even, allowing the individual to maintain clearer thinking than when battling the effects of wildly fluctuating blood sugar levels. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSnursStresCaf.rtf

Swimming / One The World's Oldest, Most Popular Physical Activities
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A 5 page report on swimming today & in history. The writer discusses different ztechniques, strokes, & styles, while pointing out which ones are not recognized by the F.I.N.A. Olympic competition and rules for entry are examined as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Swimming.wps

T'ai Chi / Mental Health Exercise
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A 5 page research which focuses on the psychological benefits of t'ai'chi chu'an' The writer presents the current research literature on these benefits, and discusses other benefits of this effective treatment tool. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Taichi.wps

Taming Fat
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An 8 page paper discussing some of the discoveries associating obesity with genetic predisposition. Obesity is approaching �epidemic� levels in the United States, and along with its increase also are rises in incidence of diabetes. Diabetes� high blood sugar damages organs, including the heart, kidneys and eyes. Diabetes is in itself a risk factor for heart disease, and we have known for years that high serum cholesterol (i.e., fat) constitutes a separate risk factor for heart disease as well. The purpose here is to trace fat�s progress and examine some of the factors resulting in some people being lean, others becoming obese while practicing very similar dietary habits. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSfat.rtf

The Atkins Diet: Protein, Carbohydrates And Calories
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21 pages in length. Contemporary diets reflect the significant pressures that are placed upon those who are both impressionable and vulnerable. With the primary influence being that of popular culture, overweight individuals are faced with difficult choices when it comes to proper food choices and weight loss programs. In order to maintain a sense of acceptance, people often forego the necessary elements of a proper and healthful diet in exchange for one full of simple sugars, worthless carbohydrates and empty calories. When protein is allowed into the diet, it is typically in the form of a fast food hamburger or other kind of inadequate source. Educating overweight individuals about the importance of proper nutrition is a difficult task, particularly in light of such purported healthful and safe weight loss programs such as the Atkins diet. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Filename: TLCatkin.wps

The Atkins' Diet Revolution
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12 pages in length. The Atkins diet has been a bestseller in America in both its 1972 and its most recent incarnations. It consists primarily of high-protein, no or low carbohydrate intake. This report looks at its successes, problems, and compares it to other diets. No bibliography.
Filename: Atkins.wps

The Benefits of Exercise and Other Factors in the Prevention of Heart Disease
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This is a 5 page paper with tutorial language inserted discussing the benefits of exercise and other factors in the prevention of heart disease. Heart disease in the United States is responsible for the death of five times as many women than is breast cancer yet many women are not aware of this fact. In addition, over four million Americans have congestive heart failure that costs the health care system over $10 billion annually. Regardless of the high risks of heart disease and failure which are reported, researchers have found that exercise and other preventative methods can reduce the risk of heart disease by 50 percent and exercise applied to those who have experienced congestive heart failure also helps in improving the overall functionality of the patient. Overall, researchers have found that exercise combined with quitting smoking, reducing cholesterol levels, loss of weight in those who are overweight and for women, the addition of hormone replacement therapy during and after menopause, are all the best preventative measures at lowering the risk of heart disease. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TJexhrt1.rtf

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