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Papers On Human Resource Issues
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Ben & Jerry's Home-Made Ice Cream / Human Resources
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This 10 page paper discusses human resources at Ben & Jerry's corporation. A SWOT is offered describing the many strengths of the company and discussing the weaknesses. The paper concludes with a discussion of their current strategies for human resources. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: BenJerHR.wps

Benefit Packages: Stock Options, Defined Contribution, Etc.
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This 15 page tutorial paper discusses different kinds of benefit plans. The target question is which types of plans would be recommended for which employees. The writer discusses and explains: defined contribution plans, defined benefit plans, profit-sharing plans, employee stock option plans and a combination thereof and the writer also explains what vesting means. Examples of the results of specific plans in particular companies are offered to support the value of different plans. The writer then makes recommendations regarding which benefits should be offered to which employees in this hypothetical company. The essay also comments on record-keeping. Tutorial comments are embedded in the text. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: PGpensop.rtf

Benefits and Weaknesses of Internal and External Recruitment Policies
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This 10 page paper examines the advantages and disadvantages when a company choose to either recruit new staff internally or externally. The paper looks at the overall differences and then considers the strengths and weaknesses by looking at the recruitment process. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEextintrec.rtf

Benefits of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
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A 6 page paper discussing the "people-centered" benefits of international mergers of business. Globalization frequently is criticized for "westernizing" other cultures or attempting to, without acknowledging that cross-border merger activity can bring about benefits for workers that otherwise would not have occurred. Example is accusation of sweatshop labor in developing nations by companies such as Nike and Gap, and the resulting insistence of these and other companies that overseas operations be conducted under the same labor laws that apply in developed nations. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSglobBene2.rtf

Benefits of Cultural Diversity
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The embracing of cultural diversity in a company can be the source of many benefits. This 9 page paper consider the benefits in terms of employee relations, innovation and retention, customer relations, reduced litigation and advantages when entering new markets. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEculdiver.rtf

Benefits of Hire.com
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A 3 page paper discussing the business of Hire.com and the manner in which it assists organizations with their HR functions. Association with Hire.com enabled Roche Diagnostics, among others, to reduce costs while improving productivity, a goal of virtually every highly aware HR organization operating today. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KShrHire-com.rtf

Benefits of Maintaining a Multiskilled Work Force in Food Service
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A 6 page paper critically analyzing the benefits of training workers in an industry where turnover is high and workers are likely not to remain with the employer long term. The paper uses the example of Pal�s Sudden Service, a fast-food restaurant winner of the Baldrige award. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KShrMultiFood.rtf

Benefits of Workplace Safety in Construction
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A 7 page paper discussing the benefits that employers and employees can achieve with greater attention to workplace safety. The construction industry accounts for 20 percent of all workplace fatalities, and fully one-third of those result from falls. Accident rates can be high in the construction industry, as can be noncompliance with safety regulations or with simple common sense. There are costs involved in achieving full compliance, and those costs include money, time and behavior change. Financial cost is the most obvious, but behavioral change is the most difficult. Indications are that all of the costs involved yield positive return. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KShrWkSafety.rtf

Benefits of Workplace Safety in Construction (Summary)
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A 3 page paper summarizing a larger work, KShrWkSafety.rtf. By the very nature of the work they do, construction companies generally operate at greater risk for accidents and worker injury than do businesses in other industries. Those businesses incur greater costs in safety matters than do other types of businesses, and construction workers may complain that their companies� internal regulations are too exacting. There are benefits all round, however, including better safety outcomes, increased productivity and a greater sense of community. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KShrWkSafeSum.rtf

Bill Blizzard's Evaluation
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A 7 page paper discussing programmer Bill's recent performance, which has not matched previous levels. The manager realizes that Bill is working on totally different types of programming assignments now, and wonders if the underlying problem is that Bill does not have a grasp of the business processes in the departments he serves. They agree that Bill will spend time effectively crosstraining in departments he is about to provide programming services to, as a means of better understanding what these internal customers need. Whether this approach is the correct one will not be fully known until after the completion of Bill's next programming project, but it appears that Bill truly wants to excel in the manner of the past. At the very least, Bill and his manager are able to agree that Bill's performance has not been sufficient and have devised a means of eliminating a suspected reason. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KShrPerfApp.rtf

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