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Papers On Women's Health Issues
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Osteoporosis And Exercise: Potential For Injury
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7 pages in length. Along with a proper diet and adequate rest, exercise is one of the most vital components of a healthful body. Indeed, exercise has become the watchword for optimum health in this ever-conscious society. Yet one cannot help but wonder if too much rigorous exercise has the potential of actually damaging the body. For example, a female marathon runner might be doing her body well by avoiding the inherent risks of osteoporosis; however, if the athlete already has the disease to some extent, how does exercise detrimentally impact her condition over a long-term basis? When one considers the fact that osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes bones to thin and weaken, eventually becoming so brittle they break from even minor injuries, it is easy to understand why the endurance level of a marathon runner � along with the level of strenuous exercise � could indicate serious injury. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCostex.wps

Ovarian Cancer
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A 5 page overview of ovarian cancer from a medical perspective. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAovary.rtf

Partial Birth Abortions
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5 pages in length. Considered by some to be nothing more than a veiled lack of responsibility, partial birth abortions have come to the forefront of controversy. As if abortion, in and of itself, was not a hot enough issue for debate, both the procedure and reasoning behind partial birth abortion are under fire. Women whose fetuses have known birth defects most commonly utilize this highly invasive procedure as a means by which to terminate the late-term pregnancy. After the baby is purposely turned in the breach position, the doctor pulls it down through the birth canal until the only part left inside the mother's body is the head, which legally maintains its fetus status. The brain is then suctioned out and the skull crushed before the body is completely expelled. Indeed, the primary arguments about this particular procedure revolve around the status of personhood, as well as the reasons to even employ such a horrific alternative. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCpartl.wps

Postpartum Depression is Not an Excuse for Murder
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A 7 page paper which presents information regarding postpartum depression and then argues that it is not a valid excuse for committing murder. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RApostpr.wps

Pregnancy, Labor, Delivery
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An 8 page paper which examines the processes of pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RApreg.rtf

Pregnancy/Women on Drugs
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A 5 page analysis of an informative, well-written study by Sheigla Murphy and Marsha Rosenbaum in their text Pregnant women on drugs: combating stereotypes and stigma. The writer discusses some of the major points of their book and points out where she agrees and disagrees. No additional source cited.
Filename: khdrpr.rtf

Premenstrual Syndrome: Real of Social Construct?:
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This 5 page paper explores PMS and the science behind this problem which affects so many women. This paper reveals that PMS is the result of physiological changes and indeed not just the "imaginings" of women. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: GSPMSpms.rtf

Prototype Magazine/"Boob Tube"
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A 6 page research paper, plus an annotated bibliography, that presents a prototype for a proposed magazine designed for breastfeeding mothers. This prototype includes a letter from the editor, a representative article and a proposed ad. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khbrfeed.wps

Screening Tool Evaluation on Thin And Standard Prep Pap Smear
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5 pages in length. Prevention can mean the difference between life and death when it comes to cancer, which is why the cervicovaginal smear, otherwise known as Pap smear, is one of the most effective screening tools for women still utilized today. Developed decades ago by Dr. George Papanicolaou, the Pap smear is considered one of but a handful of diagnostic tests that can "detect the presence of a premalignant lesion allowing for the prevention of cancer" (Anonymous, 2002). By comparison, the preventative nature of Pap smear results rivals that of most all other tests, in that existing technology finds cancer once it has already had time to progress, making it extremely difficult in many cases to prevent cancer-related death. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCpapsm.rtf

Sexism and Today�s Woman
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This is a 12 page paper which explores the role of the mass media on the attitudes toward women and the effect on womens' health. Bibliography has 6 resources.
Filename: JHSexi.rtf

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