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Papers On Women'S Issues & Gender Study
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Bell Hooks' 'Ain't I A Woman'
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A 5 page paper that provides an overview of Hooks' book, while also concentrating on her philosophical perspective. This paper contends that Hooks bases her work on the racial aspects that have led to racial and gender oppression, and provides a discourse for change. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Bellhooks.rtf
Critique of Western Feminist Representation
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A 7 page paper that discusses the argument between feminists on the issue of 'third world' representation of women. The paper focuses upon theories presented by Abu-Lughod, Mahanty, Russo and Torres, and also looks at Bell Hooks' theory that feminists must interact with the women they study in order to get a true understanding of the applicability of theory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Femcrit.wps
Postmodern Blackness by Bell Hooks
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A 7 page paper which discusses various aspects of the work on postmodern blackness, written by Bell Hooks. The work of Bell Hooks, especially in relationship to postmodern blackness which involves aesthetics and critical thought as attainable, if not possessed, by the black population, is considered incredibly controversial as well as contradictory. Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.
Filename: RAhooks.RTF
The Struggle To Reshape Thinking About Gender
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A 7 page paper that discusses the need to act on feminist theory, and posits that feminist anthropologists move out of the ivory tower and into action. The writer includes discussion around views of feminist anthropological theory postulated by writers such as Naomi Wolf, Marilyn Strathern, Pat Caplan, and bell hooks. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Femgen.wps
The Arranged Marriage and Gender Roles: The Oppression of Women in Atwood�s The Handmaid�s Tale and Shakespeare�s Much Ado About Nothing
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This 5 page paper considers the issue of the arranged marriage and the gender roles as they are portrayed in Margaret Atwood�s The Handmaid�s Tale and William Shakespeare�s Much Ado About Nothing. This paper considers the way in which both works demonstrate the oppression of women through the institution of marriage and the implications for the themes presented in both works. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MHMucha2
Women During The Revolution
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This 5 page paper outlines the society in which women lived during the time of the Revolutionary War in America. Dominant opinions about, standards of behavior, and expectations of American women of 18th century are presented. Bibliography included.
Filename: Wmrev.rtf
Argument - Mandatory HIV Testing for Pregnant Mothers
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7 pages in length. The author argues in support of mandatory HIV testing for pregnant mothers, not only for the woman's health, but also for the health of the child. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Mandhiv.wps
Affirmative Action and Women in Public Education
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This 8 page paper looks at the subject inclusive of a review of relevant literature and makes recommendations. The position of the paper favors affirmative action in this context in order to improve stereotypes of women as well as to help women to achieve in such professions. Bibliography lists 8 sources
Filename: Sa276.wps
Minorities and Women: Having a Fair Shake, Having a Fair Share
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8 pages. Justice Harlan, in his famous dissenting opinion in Plessy versus Ferguson, argued that the constitution was color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens. Justice Blackmun, in his remarks on the much later affirmative action case of Regents of the University of California versus Bakke, argued that in order to treat some persons equally, we must treat them differently. These two conflicting issues represented in Harlan�s and Blackmun�s judicial statements must be analyzed carefully in order to discern the carefully reasoned arguments that each presented. The question must be asked, how successfully do affirmative action policies and the arguments for and against them address Harlan�s and Blackmun�s principles? Examination of the fourteenth amendment and the ways the Supreme Court has come to interpret it, as well as the general law and affirmative action, must be addressed within their historical and social context. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAmnwmn.wps
A Woman's Perspective on the Am. Revolution
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A 2 page essay that offers a fictional account of what life might have been like for a white Patriotic colonist in New York State during the time of the American Revolution. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: 99womrev.wps
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