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Papers On Sociological Theorists & Theories
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Rites of Passage and the Cognized Environment
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This 5 page paper consider how the rites of passage observed in different areas will reflect the cognized environment. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEritece.rtf

Robert Darnton on History and Culture
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of Darnton's views on history and culture. Robert Darnton, in The Great Cat Massacre, applies Clifford Geertz assertion regarding culture to a study of the past. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MHHisCul.rtf

Roger & Me / Social Theory
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A 5 page paper discussing Michael Moore's 1989 documentary in terms of conflict theory and symbolic interactionism theory. 'Roger' is the then-CEO of General Motors, Roger Smith, and Moore's complaint with him is the state in which GM plant closings left the town of Flint, Michigan. Though Moore attempted to portray the evil corporation led by the evil Smith, the fact remains that Smith most likely did not possess the intellectual ability to orchestrate the devastation realized in Flint after GM was forced to cease operations there in favor of Mexican workers and pay scales. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RogerMe.wps

Rosa Parks: Applying Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Behavior
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7 pages in length. Rosa Parks is both an ordinary and extraordinary individual whose seemingly insignificant decision to remain seated on a public bus December 1, 1955 set the stage for what many claim to be the beginning of the civil rights movement. Applying Erikson's theory of psychosocial development to her life's progress illustrates just how critical certain stages are to an individual's mental, emotional and social structure. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCRosaParks.rtf

Rousseau and Nietzsche
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A 6 page paper which examines how art and science has an effect on mankind as seen through Rousseau's "The First Discourse" and Nietzsche's "The Use and Abuse of History." No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAnietz3.rtf

Schwartz/Who Cares?
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A 5 page book review/essay that examines the premises posited by David Schwartz in his text Who Cares? In this text, Schwartz (1997) not only defines what is lacking in our society, but offers sensible commentary and suggestions on what can be done to correct this situation, as well as what is wrong with some of the steps that are usually taken to correct social ills. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: khwhocar.rtf

Self-image and self-presentation
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A seven page paper which looks at the way in which self-image and self-esteem are developed, and their relevance to self-presentation techniques in impression management. Bibliography lists 4 sources
Filename: JLselfpres.rtf

Serial Killers
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A paper which looks in detail at the social phenomenon of serial killing, with reference to sociological, psychological and biological theories. The paper also considers specific examples of serial killers, in particular Aileen Wuornos. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: JLserkill2.rtf

Sexuality, gender and the social construct of identity
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An analysis of the concept of sexual identity within the context of socio-cultural ideologies, and the construction of identity. The writer looks at Foucault's perspective on identity, and at theories of masculinity and femininity in relation to postcolonialism. Bibliography lists 12 sources
Filename: JLsexid2.rtf

Seymour Lipset/Continental Divide
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A 10 page research paper that analyzes Seymour Lipset's book Continental Divide, which that while Canada and the US look practically identical, there are striking differences between the two countries. After analyzing and summarizing Lipset's major points, the writer offers a survey of three critical opinions to the book. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khlipset.wps

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