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Papers On Sociological Theorists & Theories
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Can Capitalism Lead to Human Happiness?
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This 5 page paper looks at Adam Smith and Karl Marx's views in respect to happiness. Their different ideas are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA148SaM.rtf

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Marx & Weber's treatment of capitalism is compared and contrasted in this 7 page essay. A look at modern American society is taken through the eyes of these theorists. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Capit.doc

Case Study of Rena Graybeal: Gerontology Theories of Disengagement and Activity
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This is an 11 page paper discussing a case study of an elderly woman in regards to the gerontology theories of disengagement and activity. A case study of an elderly woman, Rena Graybeal, consists of two aspects: part one, her biography which explores her biographical details, education, social supports, retirement, finances, politics, religion, relationships and health status; and, part two, her life in relation to the gerontology theories of disengagement and activity. The disengagement theory and the activity theory present two contrasting concepts of what functional roles older individuals play in society: disengagement, in which older individuals gradual disengage themselves from activities in society in order to allow for the younger generations which leads to life satisfaction; and activity, in which older individuals continue to maintain high activity levels in order to continue to contribute to society which leads to life satisfaction. Upon reviewing Rena Graybeal�s biography and current life, it becomes obvious to readers that Rena has always had and continues to have an active life consistent with the activity theory. Rena continues to contribute to this generation and the next, is aware of political, environmental and social issues, and maintains an open-mind in regards to religion, politics, family and other important components which makes her a functional member of society. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TJRGray1.rtf

Castells� �Network Society� � How Close is too Close?
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Castells� �Network Society� � How Close is too Close?: This 10-page analytical essay examines Manuel Castells� theories about what he dubs the �Network Society.� His premise is that due to recent technological advances (particularly those relevant to the Internet), we have entered the new age of �Informationalism.� On the fast track of Internet super highways, information is just one button-push away, and our intercontinental neighbors are now essentially in our own backyards. Bibliography lists 4 sources. SNCastell.doc
Filename: SNCastell.doc

Causation of Crime
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In 8 pages , the author discusses many of the theories for the causation of crime, such as social learning, social strain, and disintegration of family. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Crimcaus.wps

Causes of the Russian Revolution
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This 5 page paper looks at the Russian Revolution and the conditions preceding it that caused the people to embrace Marxism. Details about Marxism and the revolution itself are included. The paper takes an analytic look at the facts. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA246Rus.rtf

Charisma as a Solution for Bureaucracy
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This 12 page paper examines the theories of Max Weber and looks more specifically at charisma. How charisma can be utilized to change a bureaucracy is discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA417Max.rtf

Charles Horton Cooley�s �Looking Glass Self� Theory: Concepts, Application, Studies, Durability, Criticisms, and Assessment
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This is a 6 page paper discussing Cooley�s �Looking Glass Self� theory. Tutorial language appears throughout the text in square brackets giving structural and instructional suggestions for further writing. Symbolic interactionist, Charles Horton Cooley, first published the �Looking Glass Self� theory in his 1902 work �Human Nature and the Social Order�. Advocating that an individual�s concept of �self� was highly related to the interaction with others and their perception was contrary to many of the psychological and behaviorist theories accepted at the time and were based on the development of individuals from an independent perspective. The significance of Cooley�s theory however had an impact on theories of individual and social development and led to the inclusion of his concepts in the theories of Mead and Dewey among others and the eventual restructuring of the educational system. Despite the critics which are largely based from a psychological perspective, Cooley�s theories are still applied in research studies today and have been included to explain modern concepts of the development of crime, delinquency and group identity among others. Backed by a century�s worth of supportive research studies, Cooley�s theory has stood the test of time by those who have applied it in social science studies and by those who can assess the theory by experiences from their own childhood and the importance peer perceptions have on self-esteem, -image and �perception. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: TJCCool1.rtf

Charles Taylor and Multiculturalism
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A 5 page paper which discusses what Charles Taylor's theories are regarding multiculturalism. His theories are also related to those of Max Weber and Emile Durkheim. The primary works used are "Multiculturalism" by Charles Taylor, "Suicide" by Emile Durkheim, and "The Protestant Ethic" by Max Weber. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAtylrcult.wps

Child Development Theories & Day Care.
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(5 pp) Our challenge as adults watching in a day care setting was to see if we could observe the child development theories of Piaget, Freud and Erickson in action. I have listed my observations and thoughts. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BBchilDv.doc

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