Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Child Abuse
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This 12 page paper examines the problem of child abuse and its cyclic nature. The writer considers the evidence of the causes and influencing factors in the occurrence of abuse and the relevant of any repeating patterns. After this the writer examines the ways that this may be prevented or treated where it occurs. Included in the paper are issues such as poverty and devaluation of human life. The paper ends by considering the role of intervention, comparing a typical US case with the equivalent case in the UK. The emphasis on prosecution and treatment are considered as well as the attitudes of separation or maintaining the family unit. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: TEcabuse.wps
Child Abuse # 2
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A 5 page paper discussing some of the different forms of child abuse, and the dangers that go along with them. It also gives some startling statistics, it discusses just how a grave a situation this is, and describes some ways to improve it.
Filename: Abuse2.wps
Child Abuse # 3
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Child Abuse # 3 : 8 pages in length. Examines the history of child abuse, the problem's legal definition, its frequency of occurrence in contemporary society (accented by various statistics), and how the problem is prevented/treated. Bibliography lists 5 sources. Chilabu3.wps
Filename: Chilabu3.wps
Child Abuse # 3
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In 10 pages the author discusses child abuse. Child abuse in its many forms is alive and well in the 1990s. The parents or other caregivers abuse children very frequently. Child abuse is clearly defined under state and federal statutes. Children have rights. There are specific clues to look for to know whether a child is being abused. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Childvar.wps
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This tutorial essay addresses several issues that clinicians and health care practitoners must consider in issues of child abuse and neglect including profile of an abuser, determining when abuse has taken place and whether a child should be returned to an abusive family. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTfamabu.rtf
Child Abuse and the Parent-Child Relationship
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This 12 page report discusses several different articles addressing issues associated with child abuse. The number of abused and neglected children in the United States has risen to more than three million (reported) cases each year and more than 1,000 U.S. children die each year at the hands of their parents or caregivers. It is a social problem with far-reaching consequences that constantly reduce the health, morale, and virtually all other components of well-being for countless individuals. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: BWabnegl.rtf
Child Abuse: Description and Impact
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A 10 page overview of the societal problem of child abuse. Defines child abuse as either an act of commission or omission which can take the form of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect. Delineates the role of the community health nurse in combating such abuse. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPchldAb.wps
Child Abuse: A Sociological Assessment
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7 pages in length. The writer discusses that while
understanding the root causes of child abuse has long evaded a logical explanation, the detrimental outcome upon the victim of such mistreatment is quite obvious. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCchld.wps
Child Abuse: Causes and Solutions
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This eight-page-paper explores child abuse. It opens with an explanation of what constitutes child abuse and moves into signs that it may be occurring. Next the paper explores some of the solutions that are available to prevent it. Bibliography lists eight sources.
Filename: CWchlabu.wps
Child Discipline / Spare The Rod & Understand The Child
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A 5 page research paper in which the writer cites the opinions of numerous authorities who oppose physical punishment for children. The psychological implications of inflicted violence are stressed and alternatives are presented. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Children.wps
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