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Is the Shroud of Turin Real?
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An 11 page paper arguing that the Shroud of Turin very well could be the burial cloth of Jesus. Opponents claim that proponents of the shroud being authentic are guilty of "shroudscience" in which they begin with the desired answer and then seek methods to validate that answer; he apparently is unaware that opponents appear to be most guilty of the practice. Several vocal naysayers claim that carbon dating work in 1988 prove the shroud originates in the 14th century, yet they refuse to discuss the shoddy science that produced that conclusion. "Serious and credentialed researchers continue to produce evidence that cannot easily be explained away." The Shroud of Turin looks far more like the burial cloth of Jesus and much less like a medieval hoax. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSShroudTurin.doc

Life-Extending And Life-Altering Technologies: Moral, Theological and Ethical Concerns
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4 pages in length. The scientific and popular news media have heralded several "life-extending" and "life-altering" technologies, not the least of which include embryonic stem-cell research, cloning, genetic intervention and organ transplantation. While such technologies represent remarkable developments and applications of man's emerging scientific understanding, these technologies also raise critical issues with respect to the ethics, morality and economics of these technologies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCTechEth.rtf

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This 4 page paper discusses the debate of whether non-human primates have the instinct for learning language as humans do. Examples given, Matt Ridley discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MBridley.rtf

Mercury as a Chemical Toxic Threat
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Mercury is a known neurotoxin and for this reason, it has been targeted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a primary toxic exposure threat. Mercury is transferred through multiple means including ingestion, airborne, and osmosis through the skin. Mercury toxins are released into the air naturally, as well as through car and other exhaust. Mercury is a component of computer chip manufacturing and for the IUB, it is served in the cafeterias and restaurants around campus via fish. The National Research Council cites prenatal exposure effects ranging from mental retardation and cerebral palsy to deafness and blindness.... 9 references. jvToxThr.rtf
Filename: jvToxThr.rtf

Metabolism; Genetic Basis for Deafness
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A 4 page paper containing 2 distinct sections: 1 page on carbohydrates and weight gain, 3 pages discussing the Cx26 gene (GJB2/DFNB1). This gene is associated with autosomal recessive deafness, ranging from moderate to profound. The paper lists and discusses several of the allele variants of this gene. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSbioGeneDiet.rtf

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This 4 page paper discusses one of the three pillars discussed in Michio Kaku's book Visions. In particular Chapter 12 of the book is examined, pros and cons weighed. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MBkaku.rtf

Modern Day Theory Of Evolution
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5 pages in length. The writer discusses contemporary views on evolution, as well as discusses DNA as it relates to recent evidence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCevlut.wps

Monkey See, Monkey Do - Parallels Between Human & Animal Memory
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A 5 page paper that explores the similarities and relations between the human processes of memory and those of the animal species, primarily the Chimpanzee. Arguments defending both the similarities and the differences in the behavioral habits of the Chimpanzee as compared to those of the human species are presented, as well as recent research findings. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: LCMemory.doc

Natural Selection and the Process of Speciation
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A 3 page overview of the process of natural selection. The author details how natural selection influenced speciation in Darwin's finches and in man himself. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPnatSel3.rtf

Nature Verses Nurture: Impacts on Child Motivation and Temperament
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A 12 page overview of the relative importance of nature verses nurture, genetics verses environment, on a child�s temperament and motivation. Emphasizes that research does indeed support the contention of a genetic predisposition toward certain behaviors but that this research does not dismiss the need to constructively format a child�s environment to enhance both motivation and temperament. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PPntrNur.wps

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