Papers On Sciences
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Biological Determinism / Our Actions Are Determined by Biology
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A 17 page discussion of the role of genetics in determining behavior. Emphasizes that our actions and behaviors are essentially an interplay of genetics and societal factors but acknowledges that the genetic predisposition for certain behaviors is definite and difficult to overcome. Relies extensively on the ideas presented in Richard Dawkin's The Selfish Gene but backs these ideas up with actual research examples. Uses the counter examples of research indicating that homosexuality is a genetic condition and that research which shows that gender roles are shaped by the environment. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: Biodeter.wps
Biology Article Summary: Coral Reefs
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3 pages in length. Martin Downs, author of "Keeper Of The Reefs: How Do You Save A Wilderness That Most People Will Never See" in the Spring, 2004 issue of OnEarth, discusses the detrimental impact man's actions have had upon coral reefs around the world. Citing such occurrences as overfishing, global warming and human activity, Downs (2004) correlates these influences in terms of the percentage of coral reefs destroyed worldwide. Hundreds of millions of years of oceanic history teeter on the verge of permanent extinction because of the detrimental effects these occurrences have had upon coral reefs, a global population that is fighting for its very existence. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCBioCoral.rtf
Biology Lab / Observations of Fish Gill Movement
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Approximately 4 pages in length. Paper reports on a basic (biology) laboratory experiment. Writer hypothesizes that fish gill movement will increase when water temperature does same. It is concluded that varying water temperature does have an effect on percular movements and breathing patterns of (gold)fish. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Fishlab.wps
Biology Questions
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5 pages. This question and answer series touches on several topics including birth control, genital herpes, circumcision, and hermaphrodites. These are very interesting and pertinent subjects which affect many people today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JAbiolgy.rtf
Biology: Mitochondria And Chloroplasts
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3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses processes of the electron transport system and chemiosmotic coupling with regards to oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and chloroplasts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCMitoClor.rtf
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This 5 page paper discusses the field of biopsychology, as well as the connection between it and ADD. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: HVBioPsy.rtf
Bioremediation And The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
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A 10 page paper. The Exxon Valdez spilled 11 millions of oil that eventually stretched for 1,300 miles along the west coast of Alaska. The process used to clean up the shoreline was bioremediation. By introducing specific microorganisms, growth of natural bacteria that eat hydrocarbons is enhanced. This essay discusses and describes the process that was used after this oil spill. It also discusses what happens to marine life after an oil spill. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGbiore.wps
Bioremediation: A Review of One Article Detailing the Attributes of Geobacter Bacteria
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A 3 page review of a December 2003 interview of Dr. Barbara Methe, the collaborative investigator at the Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland, and Dr. Derek Lovely, the head of the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) microbiology department. These researchers clarify the benefits of using bacteria, especially the Geobacter bacteria, in the cleanup of hazardous waste. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPhazSp2.rtf
Biotechnology; The Human Genome Project
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This 32 page paper considers the Human Genome Project, paying particular attention to the role that computer technology has played through its existence. The paper looks at the background and then discusses aspects of sequencing in more detail. The paper considers the progress made along with that yet to be made, and cites examples of the applications of the findings and the progress of the project. The projects progress is also compared to other genome projects for other species. The bibliography cites 26 sources.
Filename: TEhumgen.wps
Bioterrorism and Public Health
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A 7 page paper exploring the topic of biological warfare. Emphasizes the vulnerability of the United States, noting that with the collapse of the Cold War we now have many small enemies in place of the one large enemy. Describes biological warfare
as being widely available, as a poor man�s weapon. Stresses the importance of establishing a central agency to handle biological terrorism on a national level. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PPbioTer.wps
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