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Papers On Health Care
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Health Care Questions
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7 pages in length. The writer discusses various issues in the American health care system via two dozen briefly answered questions. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TLChltcr.wps

Health Care Reform and Controversy
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15 page research paper discussing economic and political controversy over U.S. Health Care reform. Discussed are the implications of policy reform and the stark gap that exists between public desire and reality. Writer also includes a section on health care reform's potential impact on the economy. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Helthpol.wps

Health Care Reimbursement Fraud
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A 10 page paper examining health care reimbursement fraud, its effects on insurance companies, government agencies, and the general public. Includes numerous examples of the types of health care fraud. Bibliography lists twelve sources.
Filename: Reimbur.wps

Health Care Savings Plan of 1995
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An 11 page paper that explores H.R. 323 (1995), particularly the medical savings account portion of the bill and how that has been applied to subsequent legislation concerning tax-deferred health care proposals. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Health95.wps

Health Care Strategic Management
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A 10 page paper that investigates the relationship of leadership to strategic management in health care facilities. The writer offers an overview of the challenges and problems facing health care institutions today, then explains the differences between strategic planning and strategic management. The characteristics of leadership are discussed and then related to aspects of strategic management. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PGhlst.wps

Health Care/Canadian Immigrant Women
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An 8 page research paper that offers a literature review that assesses Canadian health care for immigrant women. The writer reports on both quantitative and qualitative studies, focusing on an educational program for immigrant women that proved to be quite successful. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: khcanimw.rtf

Health Care: Leadership for the Future
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A 10 page paper discussing the systemic change already occurring in health care and its implications for future leadership. Spiraling costs to insurers nearly a generation ago gave rise to the HMO that radically changed the business of health care, a trend that has only continued. Globalization and consolidation are business trends that can be expected to affect health care as well as other types of businesses. Health care leaders of the future are seen to need more business skills than at any other time. Future leaders also may more commonly come from non-medical backgrounds as business changes continue. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KShlthCareLdr.wps

Health Insurance In California: Inaccessible To Those Who Need It
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5 pages in length. The primary objective of a health care delivery system is "to enable all citizens to access health care services that are cost-effective and that meet certain preestablished standards of quality" (Shi et al, 1998, p. 6); however, this is hardly the case in California where health insurance benefits the rich while leaving the poor to fend for themselves. Employee benefits play a significant role in the extent to which lower class individuals are able to obtain adequate medical care. The primary reason for employers to purchase insurance plans is to provide their workers with the opportunity to afford insurance that would otherwise be far too expensive if purchased as an individual policy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCHlthI.rtf

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) & Regulation
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An 8 page paper. Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) seemed like a good idea in the 1980s as health costs were soaring out of range. Their purpose was to control costs while increasing the quality of health care for Americans. But, like many ideas that sound good at the time, this one failed to meet its purposes. Consumer costs continued to soar and quality health care became an oxymoron. This paper discusses how HMOs control and derail the legislative process intended to protect consumers. The writer provides examples of laws and regulations a few states have adopted and the tactics used by the HMO industry to deter legislation intended to regulate it. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGhmoreg.rtf

Health Organization & Policy/Enteric Feeds
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A 10 page research paper that first addresses health care organization and policy, but then focuses on a specific area of nursing care, enteric (also listed as "enteral" in the literature) feeds. The writer discusses how a nurse research team addressed the problems of tube placement aspiration. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: khentfed.rtf

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