Papers On Disease, Treatment, & Epidemiology
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The Bubonic Plague
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A 5 page overview of the Bubonic plague. Paper covers its history, modern occurrences, prevention & treatment etc.; Bibliography lists 4 sources *(See Also Blackdea.wps -- under Western Civ. category).
Filename: Bubonic.wps
The Bubonic Plague & The Organism Which Causes It / Yersinia Pestis
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A 16 page examination of the bubonic plague, its causative agent and its various forms. Includes information on vectors, treatment, and morphology. Bibliography includes fifteen sources.
Filename: Bubonorg.wps
Alzheimer's Disease
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A 5 page overview of this insidious disease. The writer discusses the changes in the brain, the symptoms, incidence of the disease, the difficulties of coping, and the feelings experienced by the patient and the loved ones. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGalz2.wps
A Chemotherapeutic Approach to AIDS Treatment
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A 6 page overview of the epidemiology of Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and approaches to its treatment. Describes the use of saquinavir mesylate as a chemotherapeutic protease inhibitors which inhibits the replication of the HIV virus. Describes the mechanism of this inhibition and relates its effectiveness on viral load. Concludes that a ritonavir/saquinavir mesylate combination is one of the most formidable weapon to date in the battle against HIV infection. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPaidsCh.wps
"A Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Symptom Management in Patients with Advanced Cancer"
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A 7 page review of the research conducted by Sherwood, Given, Given, et. al. published in a 2005 edition of "Oncology Nursing Forum". Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPcncrE3.rtf
"Collaborative Breast Health Intervention for African American Women of Lower Socioeconomic Status"
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A 9 page review of the research conducted by Fowler, Rodney, Roberts and Broadas published in a 2005 edition of "Oncology Nursing Forum". Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPcncrE2.rtf
"Effect of reusing suction catheters on the occurrence of pneumonia in children"
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A 3 page critique of an article published in May/June 2001 in "Heart and Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care" and written by Scoble, Copnell, Taylor, Kinney, and Shann. This paper reviews this article using a simplistic scoring approach to determine its value in directing the appropriate protocol for suction cathererization. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPpedCth.rtf
"Its Not About the Bike"
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A 5 page discussion about Lance Armstrong's account of his fight against cancer. This paper provides several quotes from Armstrong's book as well as a detailed review of the physiological changes that come about with cancer. Bibliography lists sources.
Filename: PPlanceA.rtf
"My Own Country: A Doctor's Story"
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This 5 page paper discusses the book "My Own Country" by Abraham Verghese, who worked with AIDS patients in rural Tennessee in the 1980s. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: HVVerghe.rtf
"Risk Factors For Cardiovascular Disease In Children With Type 1 Diabetes" - Brief Analysis
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3 pages in length. The general research problem Lipman et al (2000) attempt to address revolves around the relationship between children with Type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes and the prevalence of cardiovascular disease as a complication. The predominant coupling of cardiovascular disease and Type 1 diabetes in children requires a greater understanding of environmental factors and the impact they have upon the presence of CVD in these afflicted children. Lipman et al (2000) seek to determine if preventive monitoring measures will serve to be an effective means by which to enable "early identification and treatment of known risk factors" (p. 160). The ultimate goal is to combat factors directly associated with cardiovascular disease and Type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes in children, which the authors believe can be achieved by adopting a preventive approach. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCRiskFctHrt.rtf
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