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Papers On Papers Covering More Than One Period In U.S. History
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A Comparative Perspective on Mexicans and Cubans in the US
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An 8 page paper discussing conditions in the US during the mid-1800s and then jumping
100 years forward to examine immigration patterns since 1959. Demographers predicted
long ago that Hispanics collectively would comprise the largest minority within the US by
the turn of the century, and such has proven to be true. What they failed to predict is the
dichotomy with which these two groups are viewed. The Anglos immigrated to areas
already occupied by both Native Americans and Mexicans, and treated each equally poorly.
There was little notice of immigrants from Cuba settling in the Tampa area in the 19th
century, and they were able to more closely preserve their traditional culture. Bibliography
lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSHispAm.wps
A Consideration of Norma Basch�s �Framing American Divorce: From the Revolutionary Generation to the Victorians�
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A 5 page paper book review of the 1999 text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TGframing.rtf
A Different View of US History
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A 5 page summary and analyzes of a history text by Dinnerstein, Nichols, and Reimers, Natives and Strangers (1979) which is probably one of the first efforts at inclusion and acknowledgment of diversity in regards to US history. The writer argues that to a large degree, the authors achieved their goal, as this text offers a survey of American history that stresses the contributions of minorities and also the perspective of minorities toward the events that led to the founding of the United States. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khnatstr.rtf
A History of the United States Since 1865
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This 6 page paper provides an overview of history since 1865 in the U.S. Important eras are noted. The focus is on the post-Civil War era, the time of the industrial revolution, the turn of the century, the time of the New Deal, the 1960s and the technological revolution of the 1990s. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA149USA.rtf
A New Industrial Age
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A 5 page essay on how the growth of industry changed American society both for the better and for the worse. Followed by commentary on the role and life of early 20th century immigrants. No Bibliography.
Filename: Industage.rtf
About Nellie Bly
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This 5 page paper discusses her life, her social and psychological history, and her contributions to journalism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: HVNelBly.rtf
Age Of Discovery & Atlantic Revolutions
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A 5 page paper that discusses the factors leading to the Age of Discovery, also called the Age of Expansion. As territories were expanded and colonized, the interchange of cultures also began. The writer then discusses the reasons for the Atlantic Revolutions and the effects of these. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGagedis.rtf
America In The 1840's: Transition To A Strongly Pro-Democratic And Pro-Party Regime
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6 pages in length. The United States began as a nation without parties and with a limited dedication to democratic ideals. Examining why by the 1840s America developed into a strongly pro-democratic and pro-party regime finds one focusing upon personal agenda and the pangs of national growth as viable explanations of such a drastic transition. The extent to which this modification fit in with original Constitutional designs was questionable at best, particularly with regard to that which espoused consensual rather than majoritarian arrangements. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCUSDemoc.rtf
America Tested 1865-1998
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A 5 page examination of how the United States has successfully come through various crises since 1865. Various wars and widespread problems are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Amertest.wps
America's Wars
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This 5 page paper examines the American rationale for its involvement in the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and the latest conflict�Iraq. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: HVUSWars.rtf
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