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Papers On Education & Computers
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Brain Research and Technology in the Classroom
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A 4 page paper discussing some of the discoveries of recent brain research and how that information can be used in the classroom, specifically how teachers can use technology to take advantage of students� specific stage of brain development. The bottom line is that the use of technology not only can assist in maximizing the benefit a child receives while in a specific state of brain development, it also can be used to signal the teacher that the same child may be moving into the next developmental stage, and that it is time that his lessons be altered. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSeduBrainRes.rtf
Bridging the Digital Divide in Education
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A 7 page paper discussing the need for
greater technological exposure in schools and the problems associated with achieving that
exposure. It is commonly accepted that workers will be required to be conversant with basic
technologies for every occupation paying a living wage. It is clear that US schools need to
increase efforts to educate students in the use of today's standard technology, but first they will
need to be able to make the necessary tools available in the classroom. The reasons for the need
are clear, and even appear to be accepted by most of those involved. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSdigDivide.rtf
Building Effective Information Systems in Education
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This is a 4 page paper which discusses the use or non-use of advanced technology to improve the communication among teachers, students, parents and the community.
The bibliography has 4 sources.
Filename: JHBuil.rtf
Children and Computers
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A 6 page annotated bibliography which discusses 8 various journal articles that deal with the subject of children and computers. Each article is briefly describes within the bibliography.
Filename: RAannot.wps
Children, Language And Reading
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8 pages in length. Language exists within the external world as an artifact that is a collection of symbols in admissible combinations. It is also an embodiment in the brain of the symbols used and the principles that determine their combinations. The brain uses the same machinery to represent language that it uses to represent any other entity. Neuroscientists have come to understand the neural basis for the brain�s representations of external objects as well as their events and the relations of those events. This simultaneously gains insight into the brain�s representation of language and into the mechanisms that connect the two. By assimilating the findings of a particular research focus, one can readily associate the relationship between literature and vocabulary with regard to a child's reading aptitude. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCreadg.wps
Classroom Computers
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A 12 page paper answering the question of whether computers are beneficial to elementary school classes. The writer details the reasons why this technology is necessary for the future of our nation's children. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Classcom.wps
Comparing Lesson Plan Against The NTeQ Model
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This 5 page paper compares and contrasts a lesson plan found on the Internet against the NTeQ model. The writer demonstrates which components of the model are found in the lesson plan and then provides suggestions for those components that are weak or not included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PGnteq.rtf
Comparison - University Of Phoenix And Traditional Colleges
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A 3 page paper that compares and contrasts the programs from this university with the typical traditional college. The three methods of completing the program at the U. of Phoenix are explained. The number of students enrolled is reported. The writer discusses differences relative to faculty and students in the two types of programs. 1 Table illustrates the major differences between Online and traditional programs. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGphnxU.rtf
Computer access for Disabled Children in Schools
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This 5 page paper considers the role and uses of devices to aid access to computers for disables children in main stream schools. The paper discusses some of these devices, their advantages and disadvantages as well as their suitability for use in this way. The bibliography sites 4 sources.
Filename: TEdissch.wps
Computer and Internet Classes For Children
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A 5 page persuasive paper which argues that computer and Internet classes should be provided for every child in the country. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TGpcint.rtf
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