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Papers On Juvenile Justice
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Delinquency Theory Applied
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A 6 page research paper that examines several delinquency theories (social control, strain, arousal and age-graded theory) as to how they explain the delinquent behavior of shoplifting and break-and-entering. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khshpbae.rtf

Delinquent Behavior
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A 3 page paper which examines whether delinquent behavior can be changed through punishment, or otherwise controlled. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: RAdelpun.rtf

Detention Officer
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This 4 page paper looks at the duties and requirements of the position and why someone might want to be a detention officer. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: HVDetOff.rtf

Determinate Versus Indeterminate Sentencing
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This 10 page paper looks at the controversy and argues for indeterminate sentencing. Mandatory drug laws are also discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA245is.rtf

Deterrence in the Criminal Justice System:
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This 10 page paper discusses the pro's and con's of deterrence in the criminal justice system. This paper explores the different deterrence programs and their success rates. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: GSMurder.rtf

Deviant Behavior: Treatment, Incarceration Or Criminal Insanity?
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12 pages in length. It can readily be argued that each and every person represents one subculture or another � that is to say that while the masses as a whole represent the culture, the individuals who make up that culture in turn represent the subcultures. In this light of understanding, one can then surmise that everyone � at one time or another � displays deviant behavior. However, deviance that inflicts physical and/or psychological harm upon another human being is crossing the boundaries of acceptable behavior, which is when the time comes to determine appropriate corrective measures. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCDevBe.rtf

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This 4-page paper discusses a couple of diversion programs in New Jersey, and how it has impacted repeat crime. Bibliograpy lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTdivnewje.rtf

Divorce and Juvenile Delinquency
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A 15 page paper. The rates of both divorce and juvenile delinquency have increased dramatically over the last three decades. Many researchers have shown there is a direct link between adolescent maladaptive behaviors, such as delinquency, and parental divorce. This hypothetical study looks at a different question: were the maladaptive behaviors in evidence prior to the divorce or did they occur after the divorce. This is a hypothetical six-year longitudinal study. Sections include: abstract, introduction, research question and hypotheses, literature review, results and conclusion. 2 tables are included. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: Pgjddiv4.wps

DO NOT Charge Juvenile Offenders as Adults
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DO NOT Charge Juvenile Offenders as Adults. Probably since the times that the Romans conquered Gaul, teenagers have been making immature decisions; we might even say it is a behavior pattern of the age. Charging them for their offences in an adult court, sends out the wrong message, and does not treat the core problem of inappropriate neighborhood, poorly funded public schools, and corrections racial profiling. In a creative country such as ours, we must put our resources into alternative programs and counseling for troubled youth, rather than directing them through the adult criminal court process. Bibliography lists 3 sources. BBjvadng.rtf
Filename: BBjvadng.rtf

Education Of Minority Students In A California Juvenile Hall: Social Justice Issue
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5 pages in length. One of the primary methods by which juvenile delinquents within the California penal system are rehabilitated and ultimately reintroduced into society is through the means of education. While this approach is both prudent and successful in its ability to redirect wayward youth, there is often a segment of this population that does not reap the same beneficial outcome as the rest. Minorities within California's juvenile penal system are frequently left behind where educational programs are concerned, inasmuch as their ability to learn and communicate is far less developed than that of their white counterparts. However, because of the over-representation of minorities in the California juvenile justice system, this issue reflects how the entire educational program may be wholly ineffective to prepare minority youths for life outside juvenile hall. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCEdMinJuv.rtf

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