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Papers On Criminal Justice, Corrections & Police Issues
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Police Use of Excessive Force
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An excellent 10 page paper on Police Use of Excessive Force. The writer analyzes how different police departments act towards this problem and how lightly officers are punished -- even when known to have repeatedly used excessive force. The legal definition of Excess Force is provided and analyzed. An illustrative pie chart included demonstrating the outcome of citizen complaints in Los Angeles, California is provided (research is cited). Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Excessfo.rtf

The Rodney King Incident
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In 10 pages the author discusses the Rodney King Incident. The facts of the case are described. Discussions are made of the police actions and what could have been done to make the situation better through new policies in police departments and courts. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Rodking.wps

Drug Abuse in the Prison Population
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Since the 1980s, concern for the role that substance abuse plays in crime and recidivism has gained national attention. A number of studies have been conducted to consider the problem of substance abuse and crime, especially in criminal populations, but few studies have been conducted to consider whether in-house substance abuse treatment programs in the prison setting actually reduce recidivism. This 5 page review of literature provides an overview of arguments that correlate substance abuse and repetitive criminal behaviors, and also relates the findings of a few studies which reflect the connection between substance abuse programming and reductions in recidivism. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: Prisdrug.wps

Juvenile Boot Camps vs. Juvenile Delinquent Programs / Impacts on Recidivism & The Success Rate of Programs
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A 10 page research proposal that considers the question of whether juvenile boot camp programs have the same or better success rates with juvenile offenders. This paper supports the thesis that juvenile boot camp programs have greater success rates and reduce recidivism among youth offender populations. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Juvboot.wps

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In 26 pages the author discusses the subject of recidivism, paying particular to recidivism among blacks in Baltimore, MD. 'The rate of recidivism is high when the problems of the incarcerated individual is not addressed properly. With the disproportionate number of Blacks arrested there is a high rate of recidivism in the Black criminal population of Baltimore, MD. The African-American is getting a bum rap. The criminal justice system gives minorities harsher treatment than others receive.' Bibliography lists 62 sources.
Filename: Recid.wps

Recidivism & The U.S. Penal System As A Revolving Door
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A 14 page research paper in which the writer analyzes the U.S. corrections system as one with a statistically high rate of repeat offenders. Pointing to the fact that the prison system is simply not working, the writer attempts to blame those who should be made more responsible for working to lower recidivism rates. Models for sentencing, probation, and jailing are evaluatively assessed and analyzed. Some of the causal factors for the problem are cited and recommendations for the future are offered based upon available research. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: Recividi.wps

Recidivism Among Blacks
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In 5 pages the author discusses recidivism among Blacks. 'There are many reasons why Black criminals repeat the same or different crimes. The individual's environment prior to becoming a criminal plays a major role in criminal activity. Gang involvement breeds criminal activity. There is not enough rehabilitation in prison to reduce the rate of recidivism. Finding and keeping employment is difficult for convicted criminals. The answer could also be a combination of the reasons mentioned.' Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Blckrec.wps

Perspectives On Prostitution As A Criminal Act In The U.S.
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This 6 page paper examines some of the reasons why prostitution is a crime in most parts of the United States. Issues concerning such inherent dangers as disease, drugs, other criminal activity, tax fraud, etc; are focused upon. Interestingly, the writer argues that the government is actually more concerned with preventing safety-conscious 'high class hookers' from earning millions of tax-free dollars than they are from saving the 'victimized' inner-city street corner 'working girl' with nowhere else to turn. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Proststa.wps

Prostitution / A Cross-Cultural History & Analysis
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A 5 page paper on this history of 'the world's oldest profession'-- prostitution. The writer discusses the shape and form that prostitution has taken throughout history with respect to individual cultures and societies such as the Ancient Greeks, Romans, Church in the Middle Ages, and more recent eras as well. The role of law, societal opposition, and venereal disease is stressed with regard to prostitution in more recent times. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Prosthis.wps

Prostitution in the Middle Ages
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A 10 page paper discussing prostitution and its evolution during the Middle Ages. Reasons women entered prostitution, what their choices were, and society's viewpoints and condemnation are also reviewed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Midprost.wps

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