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Papers On Internet & Related Issues
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Public Relations in France and the United States
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6 pages. Public relations agencies today are relying more and more on information technology to help them individualize their services and keep them up to date technologically. This paper will examine the way public relations agencies are using technology not only in the United States but also in France. This comparison will give the reader a glimpse into the comparisons between the countries and whether or not there exists any exaggerated difference in the way these countries perform public relations services. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: JGAprfrn.wps

Quality Management In E-Commerce: Tutorial
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This is an 8 page tutorial paper that presents a discussion of quality management in electronic commerce businesses. The writer first presents a proposition that quality management is needed for success. The method of research is explained and the two companies to be considered (Amazon.com and Dell Computer) which is followed by a literature review. The paper includes a brief explanation of total quality management and a discussion of why quality management is essential. Comments are offered regarding the quality of management at the two identified companies. Tutorial comments are included throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PGecomtq.rtf

Research Proposal: Electronic Administration of Government Proposals
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A 3 page paper proposing that research be conducted into shifting the procurement proposal process from being entirely mail-centered to an electronic base. The federal government uses its own EDI network and has since 1994, but many vendors and agencies complain that it is no longer relevant. This proposal seeks to gain funding for an investigation into the use of an Internet-centered system for receiving, reviewing and awarding government contracts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSePropGovt.wps

Researching Seventeenth Century Poetry: John Donne, Online
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Writing a research paper from the Internet is not only possible, it is quick, easy and will probably give the student more information within an hour than is possible to research at the library in six. It is 'only a click away'. This 8 page paper provides a guideline for research on the Internet and argues that the relevancy of the site is often determined by the choice of search terms and the knowledge the student has in choosing which sites to begin or use in the search. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KTwebpoe.wps

Retailers Adapt to Internet Shopping Competition
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This is a 5 page paper discussing the topic of retailers adapting to Internet shopping competition. In 1996, when Internet shopping was relatively new, many critics and researchers began to examine the impact Internet shopping would have on the retail industry and what store-based retailers could do to compete successfully to either bring computers users to their stores or bring their stores to computer users. Overall, it was recommended by business researchers that it was worthwhile for retailers to join the Internet shopping phenomenon but with many recommendations in regard to products and prices offered and customer satisfaction. Retailers must maintain their superior factors to retain and attract customers however as with any business strategy from the past and the Internet is another component in that strategy which must be incorporated as a benefit for the retailer which will increase sales generated online but also bring additional service into the physical store. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TJinshop1.rtf

Review of Three Websites
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A 5 page paper comparing ease of navigation, privacy policy and market targeting at the websites for PC Pitstop, Nor'easter Surf Shop and Ameritrade. These sites are intriguing in the variability among them. The existing privacy policies are significant in their differences, and that Nor'easter has none is chilling. PC Pitstop by far is the easiest to navigate, but all accomplish their purpose of sufficiently targeting their markets. No additional sources listed.
Filename: KSwebRev2.wps

Role and Responsibility of Government in Technology
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This 6 page report discusses the responsibilities of government regarding technology in areas such as the technological infrastructure, encryption and information protection, and whether the Internet should be regulated and controlled. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWgovtec.wps

Safety on the Internet
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of Intent safety issues. Subjects addressed include passwords, firewalls and predators. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA308net.rtf

Search Engines
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This 10 page paper compares and contrasts Altavista, Infoseek and Google in terms of quality and ease of use. Boolean logic is explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA033Eng.wps

Secure IT systems for an airline company
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A paper which considers various aspects of security when setting up a database for a company branching into e-commerce, with specific reference to the protection of customer data and the extent to which individual users should have access to the system as a whole. Bibliography lists 8 sources
Filename: JLnetsec.rtf

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