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The Drama of Communication
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An 8 page exploration into the drama of communication. This paper leads the student in an examination of the professional sociological literature about the different manifestations of communication. Emphasizes that our understanding of these manifestations has essentially been consistent since the latter half of the twentieth century. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPcomSoc.rtf

The Dynamics of Female Interactions within an Organizational Environment: A Research Proposal
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This 10 page paper is a research proposal that considers the constructs of organizational behaviors and gender variations in the workplace setting. In particular, this paper integrates a view of group process and female interactions within an organizational structure, and demonstrates the basis for a research project on this subject. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MHOrgWom.rtf

The Evolution of Public Speaking and Presenting: Changes from the 1960s to the Present
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A 6 page contention that our communication styles have evolved from the critical to the functinalist over the past four decades. The author uses the examples of Lyndon B. Johnson and Bill Clinton to illustrate this evolution. While the credibility our nation�s most prominent individuals is sure to become even more laced with dramatism and propaganda, ultimately the American should tire of such theatrics and once again we will return to judging a speaker more on his or her credibility than on their theatrical style. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPpubSpk.rtf

The Formation Of A Group
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An 8 page paper that considers the stages of group development and the differences between an aggregate and a group. This paper suggests that factors of group development have impacted political decision-making. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Group.wps

The History of Communications: The Rise of Multimedia
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This 20 page paper provides an overview of the history of communications leading up to and including multimedia. Various aspects are discussed inclusive of the history of video and audio communications and the way in which computer technology has affected the lives of ordinary individuals. The transitions over time are explored and a historical perspective is provided. Finally, the paper takes a look at how the media as a form of communications has affected the world. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: SA207mul.rtf

The Impact of New Technologies on the Communication Industry and Other Companies
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This 7 page paper consider the impact that advancing telecommunications is having on the industry and commerce in general. To consider this the paper includes discussion on the new third generation mobile telephones as well as the role and economic impact of increasing numbers of tele-workers. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEcomtec.wps

The Influence of the Sewing Machine
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This 6 page paper looks at how fashion evolved as a direct result of the invention of the sewing machine. Fashion and its use as a communication tool is discussed in depth. An overview of the invention of the sewing machine is also provided. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA308sew.rtf

The Learning Team: Roles and Responsibilities
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A 5 page overview of the criteria which are necessary for effective teamwork. A fictional scenario in which a workplace team must oversee the transition from one computer system to the next is presented to illustrate the importance of effective team organization, good communication, assertiveness, timing, and prioritization. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPteam2.rtf

The Management of Telecommunications (Book Summary)
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This 19 page paper provides a summary, with some observations, of the book entitled The Management of Telecommunications by Carr & Snyder. The book looks at historical facts of telecommunications, but also provides precise technical information about technology utilized in telecommunications. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA208TMT.rtf

The Meaning of Silence
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This 5 page paper explores the meaning of silence in communication. Gender issues are the focus of this paper that reviews several articles on the topic. The ideas of Bagley, Gal, Olsen, Hooks and Tannen are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA122sil.rtf

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