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Papers On Business - Management
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Business Ethics and Physician Assisted Suicide
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A 5 page overview of business ethics and how they relate to the health care environment in general and the concept of physician assisted suicide in particular. Identifies the doctrine of double effect as a means of partially resolving these issues at least on an ethical basis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPeuthen.wps

The Economy of the Netherlands
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Over the course of the last decade, increasing interest in the economy of the Netherlands has stemmed from their participation in the European Union, their pursuit of appropriate fiscal status for their compliance with the constructs of the European Monetary Union, and increasing interest in international trade because of favorable economic conditions. At same time, long-term economic issues, including consistently high long-term unemployment have resulted in some conflicting views on the economic status of the Netherlands. This 23 page paper provides a substantive view of the status of the economy in the Netherlands, including an evaluation of Gross National Product, consumerism, complicity with other EU countries, unemployment, and the status of the health care system. This study provides a representative view of the Netherlands that can be used as a comparative base in evaluating other countries as well. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: Nethec.wps

Ethics In The Hotel And Restaurant Industry
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A 12 page paper that explores ethics in the hotel and restaurant industry. Specifically, 8 articles are summarized. The articles deal with: comparing the degree of agreement regarding situations involving ethical decisions between HR directors and students and between controllers and managers; discrimination in a restaurant; planning for an international event; agreements between travel agents and hoteliers in the European Union; hotel management companies; kickbacks; and the ethics one successful fast-food chain's CEO lives by. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGethh3.wps

The MERCOSUR Trade Block
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A 5 page paper describing the significance of the MERCORSUR free trade area on its participating countries, which include Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Recent additions of Chile and Bolivia have increased the impact of this agreement. Though similar in theme to other blocks such as NAFTA and the European Union, MERCOSUR is an especially powerful agreement because of the interdependence created between the South American countries. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Mercosur.wps

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This 7-page paper compares two articles on the subject of business ethics: "Entering the Third Age of Ethics by Rushworth Kidder and Curtis Verschoor and "Christian Character: A Different Approach to Business Ethics" by Sondra Wheeler. The paper notes that each of the papers has a different view on ethics. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTbuetco.rtf

Environmental Consciousness in Multinational Corporations
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A 14 page paper discussing the shift in corporate environmental thinking in the past 20 years from one of minimum compliance to local regulations to adopting environmental responsibility as a matter of strategy. Multinational corporations in the past have been accused of fleeing to developing nations only to take advantage of weak environmental laws and greater attendant opportunity to operate outside the regulations they would face in nations of greater development. A more realistic view is that businesses most successful in many developing nations are environmentally-intensive ones such as petroleum refining and circuit board construction. Many US-based organizations have come to understand that prevention generally is less costly than cleanup, a concept that many multinational corporations of diverse national origin have adopted as well. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KSmneEnv.rtf

Smoke on The Water Cooler - Smoking & The Work Environment
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A 5-page paper that examines the affects of smoking in the workplace on both business and nonsmoking coworkers. Discussed is the Environmental Protection Agency's 1992 report concerning the dangers of 'secondhand smoke' and the trend toward smoke-free working environments that this report instigated as well as both employer and employee concerns regarding nonsmoking policies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: LCSmoke.doc

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A 10 page paper. What does it take to be an entrepreneur? What are the characteristics of entrepreneurs? What skills are needed and how are they applied? These are some of the questions addressed in this essay. The writer first offers some statistics regarding small businesses, such as more than 99 percent of the entire workforce is employed in companies of fewer than 500 employees. Other headings include: personality traits of the entrepreneur; skills needed to manage a small business and how those skills are applied. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGentre.msw

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This 7-page paper focuses on Enterprise Resource Development (ERP), and its positive and negative points. In analyzing this software management structure, two organizations were examined -- Indian Motorcycles, which has implemented ERP well and Nestle USA, which had a terrible time with ERP implementation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MTerpana.rtf

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This 5-page paper supports the thesis that corporate crime doesn't pay, and uses Enron and WorldCom as examples of how supposedly "legal" accounting practices spelled doom for both of these companies -- meaning the end didn't justify the means. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTetenwo.rtf

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