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Marketing Cigarettes To Adults
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An 8 page paper discussing a plan for marketing cigarettes to adults currently smoking. The target market is young (20s) adults of lower-middle income with a high school education and perhaps some college. Because of ethics issues of marketing tobacco to minorities and because of demographic data indicating that Caucasians exhibit the highest smoking rates, these cigarettes will be marketed only to Caucasian consumers, and primarily to men. This brand is to be manufactured solely from domestically-grown tobacco, unheard of in today's market, that carry no possible residues of pesticides accepted in foreign countries but not labeled here for use on tobacco. Being made of totally domestically-grown tobacco will result in the final product carrying a slightly higher price than its competitors, but it will be marketed on the basis of its higher quality resulting from the same reason. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Cigmkt.wps

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This 5 page paper descibes how to have fun at work if you're a mortgage loan officer. This uses the so-called 'FISH!' theory, which was taken from fishmongers in Seattle, Washington who enjoyed their work throwing fish to one another. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MTworfis.rtf

OSHA's Application in the Physical Education Workplace
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A 6 page paper on the Occupational Health & Safety Association (OSHA) and how some of its mandates can be applied to precautionary measures in physical education settings. Issues concerning job rotation for the phys. ed teacher, increased safety equipment for players, posture control, and more are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Osha.wps

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This 7-page paper attempts to prove the thesis that different factors and theories motiviate workforce performance. Examples used to support the thesis are the expetancy theory, equity theory and procedural justice theory. The examples demonstrate how workers are motivated by different forces. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MTmotfac.rtf

Organizational Design
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A 9 page essay that investigates this statement: 'The constraints on organization design are so binding that management really only has scope to get it basically right or basically wrong.' The writer focuses on mechanistic versus organic design and efficiency versus effectiveness to reach a conclusion as to the validity of this statement. No sources listed.
Filename: OrgDesi.wps

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This 10-page paper, using a case study of the Rondell Data Corporation, demonstrates some theories of organziational conflict and how they can impact a corporation. Pondy's theory of organziational conflict is discussed in this paper, as is the narcissistic theory, as it applies to organizations. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: MTroncon.rtf

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This 5-page paper covers downward communciation, a theory of organizational communication. The essay examines the concept, discusses its use and then weighs the pros and cons of such a theory. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MTorcodo.rtf

Organisational Culture
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This 12 page paper looks at the relevance of corporate culture in the modern business world. The paper discusses the idea and interpretation of corporate culture, its' formation, development and the requirement of some organisations to change it. The paper then goes on to examine the way in which culture can be used to benefit both the organisation and the wider business environment. Throughout the paper examples of actual companies are cited to enhance understanding. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEorgcul.rtf

Exxon's Response to Competitive Pressures
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A 5 page paper discussing Exxon's wooing of Saudi Arabia. The decade of the 1990s has been the decade of the merger, and for more than a year the world's largest merger has been underway, that of Exxon and Mobil. Exxon Corp. CEO Lee R. Raymond and Mobil Corp. CEO Lucio A. Noto are actively marketing the new company to the former and future oil powers of the mideast in the meantime. The entire industry is in flux as Asia becomes more important in the world oil market and as profits continue to decline along with world oil prices. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Ksexxon.doc

Company Overview Of B.P. Oil
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6 pages in length. The writer discusses competitive environment, mission statement, organization chart, total quality management, business plan, government regulation, licensure, certification and accreditation as they relate to B.P. Oil. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCbpoil.wps

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