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Papers On Other Ancient Civilizations
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Body Modifications in Mesoamerica
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This 6 page paper considers the different types of body modification including scarification, cranial modification, tooth modification and a range of piercing, which are seen in Mesoamerica. These may start with the Olmecs but were also carried forward and developed by other civilisations such as the Maya, Aztec, Teotihuac�n and Toltec. Examining these different permanent modification or mutilations the paper draws parallels with the practices of body modifications today and asserts that this has always been associated with social class and power. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEbodmod.rtf

Brahmins as Important Contributors t o India
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This 4 page paper proves that the Brahmins was just as important to classical India as the shih were to classical China. Literature is referenced in this serious discussion. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA135Bra.rtf

Cairo And Beirut: Ancient And Modern
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15 pages in length. The social, political and economical activities experienced in everyday life represent the very essence of what it means to be a human being. These representations illustrate how and why a person acts the way he or she does, how one attributes moods, feelings and emotions, the way in which one interacts with another, as well as what governs overall cultural behavior. Working upon the assumption that, for the most part, ancient Egyptians and Lebanese lived their lives out of habit and routine, the student can readily surmise problem solving techniques were borne out of what had already occurred in their past. If ancient man learned from what had already occurred, he would effectively eliminate the need to relearn the same lesson more than once. This ability to learn and progress reflects yet another critical factor that contributed to the ultimate development of complex societies, with Cairo and Beirut representing two of the most chronicled and intricate histories. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: TLCcairo.rtf

Changes in Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia
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A 10 page paper which examines the changes in the land and the people of Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia as a result of cultural, political, and economic change brought by the domination of the Persian Empire and the Greek Kingdoms which followed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RApers.rtf

Characteristics of Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization
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A 5 page research paper that examines the primary features of the early civilizations, focusing on the Sumerians, which occupied the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khmes.wps

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This paper examines the impact that Charlemagne (also known has Charles the Great) had on uniting what ultimately became Europe, and on obtaining those lands for the Holy Roman Empire. The paper explores Charlemagne and his deep religious beliefs, as well as his ties to the papacy in Rome. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTcharle.rtf

Chiera's They Wrote On Clay
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Edward Chiera is an archeologist. His area of study can be said to focus on the ancient Babylonian culture and, specifically, the manner and subjects of the records made by the ancient Babylonians. This 5 page paper provides a limited summary of his book, They Wrote On Clay, as well as a critique of Chera's methods. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: KTchiera.wps

Children's Costumes: Ancient Egypt And Rome
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14 pages in length. Cultural presence is defined by myriad elements of a given society's infrastructure; inasmuch as external appearance plays an integral role in the formation of social composition, it stands to reason why period costumes serve as a critical component in the way a particular civilization progresses as a people. Since the beginning of man's timeline, the issue of beauty has been one to dictate many social concerns. From the caveman era to ancient Egypt to modern day society, physical beauty has endured constant change to its perception; however, one thing that has not changed is the power inherently associated with its presence and the unrelenting pressure to attain such status. From early on, ancient Egyptian and Roman children were ornamented with clothing, jewelry and cosmetics as a way in which to integrate them into their specific social status. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCChildCost.rtf

Chinese History; End of the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty
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This 5 page paper looks at this period of history covering a thousand years, where there was a cycle from high achievements into fragmentation back to achievements and organisation. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEhantan.wps

Classical civilizations
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This paper considers the Greek and Roman civilizations in relation to the concept of "classical" as denoting authoritative or standard criteria, and looks at the positive and negative elements of both cultures. There are three sources listed in the bibliography.
Filename: JLclassicciv

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